Søk: 'A History of France, from the Conquest of Gaul by Julius Caesar to the Present Time'
A brief history of the future of libraries: an annotated bibliography
ISBN 9780810841963 , 2002 , Gregg Sapp
A History of Infectious Diseases and the Microbial World
ISBN 9780275995041 , 2009 , Lois N Magner
A history of psychology
ISBN 9780195419306 , 2005
A History of Philosophy
ISBN 9780826469038 , 2003 , Frederick Charles Copleston
A History of Africa
ISBN 9780415252485 , 2002 , William Tordoff, John D. Fage
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States
ISBN 9780618611508 , 2006 , Howard P. Chudacoff, William M. Tuttle,m.fl.
A History of the World In 10 1/2 Chapters
ISBN 9780099540120 , 2009 , Julian Barnes
The Course of Irish History
ISBN 9781856351089 , 1994 , T. Theodore William Moody, Francis Xavier Martin
Political Leadership in a Global Age: The Experience of France and Norway
ISBN 9780754635567 , 2003 , Harald Baldersheim, Jean Pascal Daloz
Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001
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Likeness and Presence: A History of the Image Before the Era of Art
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The Metamorphosis of Magic: From Late Antiquity to the Early Modern Period
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The Social History of Roman Art
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Turbulent Passage: A Global History Of The Twentieth Century
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The Origins of the Modern World: A Global And Ecological Narrative from the Fifteenth to the Twenty-first Century
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A People's History of the United States: The Wall Charts
ISBN 9781565841710 , 1995 , Howard Zinn, George Kirschner
History of the Theatre: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292025155 , 2013 , Oscar Gross Brockett, Franklin Joseph Hildy
Documentary: A History of the Non-fiction Film
ISBN 9780195078985 , 1993 , Erik Barnouw
Meaning in History: The Theological Implications of the Philosophy of History
ISBN 9780226495552 , 1957
Balkan Babel 4E: The Disintegration Of Yugoslavia From The Death Of Tito To The Fall Of Milosevic, Fourth Edition
ISBN 9780813339054 , 2002 , 4. utgave , Sabrina Petra Ramet
A History of the Modern Fact: Problems of Knowledge in the Sciences of Wealth and Society
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An Introduction to the History of Christianity, A.D. 590-1314
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A history of film
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A Catalogue of Books Relating to the Discovery and Early History of North and South America Forming a Part of the Library of E. D. Church
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A time to kill
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The Crusades: A History
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