Søk: 'American Catholics, American Culture: Tradition and Resistance'
Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in American History
ISBN 9780072430950 , 2001
Consumer Culture and Modernity
ISBN 9780745603049 , 1998 , Don Slater
A Coherent Splendor: The American Poetic Renaissance, 1910-1950
ISBN 9780521386876 , 1990 , Albert Gelpi
Feminism, Domesticity and Popular Culture
ISBN 9780415963145 , 2008 , Joanne Hollows, Stacy Gillis
The American Museum of Natural History's Book of Dinosaurs and Other Ancient Creatures
ISBN 9780671865900 , 1994 , Joseph E. Wallace
Being Lakota: identity and tradition on Pine Ridge Reservation
ISBN 9780803237506 , 2007
Music of the Common Tongue: Survival and Celebration in Afro-American Music
ISBN 9780714540962 , 1987 , Christopher Small
Fishing Grounds: Defining A New Era For American Fisheries Management
ISBN 9781559638043 , 2000 , Heather Blough, Richard Allen, Suzanne Iudicello,m.fl.
Centennial anniversary volume of the American Neurological Association, 1875-1975
ISBN 9780826113009 , 2000 , Robert Kastenbaum, Derek Denny-Brown,m.fl.
Pilgrimage in the Hindu Tradition: Salvific Space
ISBN 9780415590389 , 2012
Becoming president: patterns of professional mobility of African American university presidents
ISBN 9780761836285 , 2006
A Collection of the 2002 ASME Wind Energy Symposium Technical Papers: At the 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, 14-17 January 2002
ISBN 9781563475306 , 2002 , m.fl.
Understanding Digital Culture
ISBN 9781847874979 , 2011 , Vince Miller
Cyclopedia of Applied Electricity: A General Reference Work on Direct-Current Generators and Motors, Storage Batteries, Electrochemistry, Welding, Ele
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Cyclopedia of Applied Electricity: A General Reference Work on Direct-Current Generators and Motors, Storage Batteries, Electrochemistry, Welding, Ele
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Cyclopedia of Engineering: A General Reference Work on Steam Boilers and Pumps; Steam, Stationary, Locomotive, and Marine Engines; Steam Turbines
ISBN 9781144563200 , 2010 , American Technical Society
The World of Islam: Tradition, Change and Conflict
ISBN 9780850487411 , 2001 , Richard Buckley
Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children
ISBN 9781557661975 , 1995 , Betty Hart, Todd R. Risley
Richard Nixon, Great Britain and the Anglo-American Alignment in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Peninsula: Making Allies Out of Clients
ISBN 9781845194666 , 2011 , Tore T. Petersen
Dramas of solitude: narratives of retreat in American nature writing
ISBN 9780791436783 , 1998 , Randall Roorda
Women of RAF Tempsford: Churchill's Agents of Wartime Resistance
ISBN 9781445604343 , 2011
Media, Culture and Society: An Introduction
ISBN 9781412920537 , 2010 , Paul Hodkinson
Human Rights in Our Own Backyard: Injustice and Resistance in the United States
ISBN 9780812205145 , 2011 , William T. Armaline, Davita Silfen Glasberg,m.fl.
Studyguide for Perspectives on American Politics by Lasser, ISBN 9780618312009: 0618312005
ISBN 9781428824041 , 2007 , Lasser
A Coherent Splendor: The American Poetic Renaissance, 1910-1950
ISBN 9780521345330 , 1988 , Albert Gelpi
The Future of the City of Intellect: The Changing American University
ISBN 9780804745314 , 2002 , Steven Brint
Benjamin Franklin's vision of American community: a study in rhetorical iconology
ISBN 9781570035258 , 2004
The Duty to Protect: Ethical, Legal, and Professional Considerations for Mental Health Professionals
ISBN 9781433804120 , 2009 , American Psychological Association
Fishing grounds: defining a new era for American fisheries management
ISBN 9781559638036 , 2000 , Susan Hanna,m.fl.
The Bible and Contemporary Culture
ISBN 9780800638634 , 2007 , Gerd Theissen, Gerd Thiessen