Søk: 'Continuing the Reformation: Essays on Modern Religious Thought'
Tanke, tro og liv: to essays
ISBN 9788230005118 , 2009 , Trond Nyquist Andresen
A Modern History of the Islamic World
ISBN 9780814797761 , 2000 , Reinhard Schulze
Against Interpretation, and Other Essays
ISBN 9780312280864 , 2001 , Susan Sontag
Introduction to Modern Climate Change
ISBN 9780521173155 , 2011 , Andrew Dessler
Musikk og verdier: musikkpedagogiske essays
ISBN 9788200225706 , 1996 , Even Ruud
On the Road to Mr. Right
ISBN 9780099445494 , 2004 , Belinda Jones
The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom
ISBN 9780465028023 , 2006
The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World
ISBN 9781606230701 , 2009 , Mark J. Miller, Stephen Castles
Essays in International Litigation and the Conflict of Laws
ISBN 9780198265665 , 1996 , Lawrence Collins
A History of Modern Europe, Volume 2: From the French Revolution to the Present
ISBN 9780393933857 , 2009 , John M. Merriman
Modern Magick Modern Magick: Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts
ISBN 9780875423241 , 2002 , Donald Michael Kraig
Poesi og lærepenger: essays, artikler, foredrag
ISBN 9788205393721 , 2009 , Øyvind Berg
The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry
ISBN 9780393956368 , 1988 , Richard Ellmann
After the Propaganda State: Media, Politics, and "Thought Work" in Reformed China
ISBN 9780804734615 , 1999 , Daniel C. Lynch, Dan Lynch
The Making of the Modern Self: Identity and Culture in the Eighteenth-century England
ISBN 9780300121391 , 2007 , Dror Wahrman
Alexis de Tocqueville: The Prophet of Modern Democracy
ISBN 9781861975096 , 2006
Modern Egypt: the formation of a nation-state
ISBN 9780813338866 , 2004
The riverside Chaucer: based on The works of Geoffrey Chaucer
ISBN 9780199552092 , 2008 , Geoffrey Chaucer, Larry D. Benson,m.fl.
Worlds Made by Words: Scholarship and Community in the Modern West
ISBN 9780674060258 , 2011
Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity
ISBN 9780521429498 , 1992 , Charles Taylor
Foundations of Comparative Politics: Democracies of the Modern World
ISBN 9780521536202 , 2005 , Kenneth Newton, Ken Newton
Modern Social Work Theory
ISBN 9781403918369 , 2005 , Malcolm Payne
A Modern History of the Kurds: Third Edition
ISBN 9781850434160 , 2003 , 3. utgave , David Mcdowall
Homicide: Life on the Screen
ISBN 9781550223583 , 1998 , Tod Hoffman
Women And the Making of the Modern House: A Social and Architectural History
ISBN 9780300117899 , 2007 , Alice T. Friedman
Explorations in African Political Thought: Identity, Community, Ethics
ISBN 9780415924788 , 2002 , Priscilla B. Hayner
Modern Control Engineering
ISBN 9780130609076 , 2002 , Katsuhiko Ogata
The Human Impact: On the Natural Environment
ISBN 9780631199786 , 2000 , Andrew Goudie
Diplomacy on the Edge: Containment of Ethnic Conflict and the Minorities Working Group of the Conferences on Yugoslavia
ISBN 9780801885570 , 2007 , Geert-Hinrich Ahrens
Janson's History of Art : The Modern World: Portable Edition
ISBN 9780205161157 , 2010 , David Simon, Penelope J.E. Davies, Joseph Jacobs,m.fl.