Søk: 'Creativity and Practice Research Papers'
Manual of Dietetic Practice
ISBN 9781405135252 , 2007 , Briony Thomas, Jacki Bishop
Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology
ISBN 9780335221158 , 2008 , Carla Willig
Archaeology and the emergence of Greece: collected papers on early Greece and related topics (1965-2002)
ISBN 9780748623334 , 2006 , A. M. Snodgrass
Case study research: design and methods
ISBN 9780803956636 , 1994 , Robert K. Yin
Introducing Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781412934602 , 2007 , Rosaline S. Barbour
Qualitative Research 2
ISBN 9781412911641 , 2007 , Alan Bryman
Public Sector Economics: Theory, Policy and Practice
ISBN 9780333929537 , 2001 , S. J. Bailey
Software architecture in practice
ISBN 9780321154958 , 2003 , Len Bass, Paul Clements, Bass, Rick Kazman
Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. W. Lawrence Neuman
ISBN 9780205786831 , 2010
Social Research Methods
ISBN 9780199264469 , 2004 , Alan Bryman
The Landscape of Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781452258065 , 2012
Research Methodologies in Translation Studies
ISBN 9781909485006 , 2013 , Gabriela Saldanha, Sharon O'Brien
Comparative and International Education: An Introduction to Theory, Method, and Practice
ISBN 9781847060594 , 2008 , David Phillips, Erwin H. Epstein
Youth in Society: Contemporary Theory, Policy and Practice
ISBN 9781412900249 , 2004 , Jeremy Roche, Stan Tucker, Ronny Flynn,m.fl.
Knowledge and the Social Sciences: Theory, Method, Practice
ISBN 9780203392201 , 2004 , David S. Goldblatt
Doing Management Research
ISBN 9780761965176 , 2001 , Raymond-Alain Thietart
Ethnicity and Social Divisions: Contemporary Research in Sociology
ISBN 9781847184702 , 2008 , Elias Le Grand, Karin Hallden, Zenia Hellgren
Focus on Medical Genetics and Down's Syndrome Research
ISBN 9781600213472 , 2006 , Richard A. Firthel
How to Write Psychology Research Reports and Essays
ISBN 9781442508415 , 2008 , Bruce M. Findlay
Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches
ISBN 9781412965569 , 2008 , John W. Creswell
Deterministic Operations Research: Models and Methods in Linear Optimization
ISBN 9780470484517 , 2010 , David J. Rader
Occupation Analysis in Practice
ISBN 9781405177382 , 2011 , Lynette MacKenzie, Gjyn O'Toole
Corporate Finance: Theory & Practice
ISBN 9781844809462 , 2011 , Chris Jones, Steve Lumby
Electromagnetic radiation: variational methods, waveguides and accelerators : including seminal papers of Julian Schwinger
ISBN 9783540292234 , 2006 , Kimball A. Milton, Julian Seymour Schwinger
The Creativity Conundrum: A Propulsion Model of Kinds of Creative Contributions
ISBN 9781841690124 , 2002 , James C. Kaufman, Jean E. Pretz
Institutional Ethnography as Practice
ISBN 9780742546776 , 2006 , Dorothy E. Smith
Operations And Process Management: Principles And Practice for Strategic Impact
ISBN 9780273684268 , 2006 , Nigel Slack, Robert Johnston, Stuart Chambers,m.fl.
Concept Research in Food Product Design and Development
ISBN 9780813824246 , 2005 , Howard R. Moskowitz, Sebastiano Porretta,m.fl.
Introduction to Social Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches
ISBN 9780761944164 , 2005 , Keith F. Punch
Doing social science: evidence and methods in empirical research
ISBN 9780230537903 , 2009 , Fiona Devine, Sue Heath