Søk: 'Hollywood from Vietnam to Reagan... And Beyond'
Best from Bollywood
ISBN 9781905863068 , 2008
Ascendancy and Tradition in Anglo-Irish Literary History from 1789 to 1939
ISBN 9780198128069 , 1985 , W. J. McCormack
Beyond The Bead: Making Jewelry With Unexpected Finds
ISBN 9781600611056 , 2009
How Forests Think: Toward an Anthropology Beyond the Human
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Matlab: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving
ISBN 9780123850812 , 2011
A History of World Societies, Volume C: From 1775 to Present
ISBN 9780312682989 , 2008 , John P. McKay, John Buckler, Clare Haru Crowston,m.fl.
Albers & Moholy-Nagy: From the Bauhaus to the New World
ISBN 9781854376381 , 2006 , Josef Albers, László Moholy-Nagy,m.fl.
Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
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Cutlery, from gothic to art deco: the J. Hollander collection
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Climbing: From Gym to Crag : Building Skills for Real Rock
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Introduction to International Relations: Theories and Approaches
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Causal Attribution: From Cognitive Processes to Collective Beliefs
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Northern Renaissance Art: Painting, Sculpture, The Graphic Arts From 1350 To 1575
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We Were Soldiers Once...and Young: Ia Drang--The Battle That Changed the War in Vietnam
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We Were Soldiers Once... and Young: Ia Drang: the Battle that Changed the War in Vietnam
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The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side
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From Margin to Center: The Spaces of Installation Art
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News from Nowhere and Other Writings
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Beyond Architecture: Marion Mahony and Walter Burley Griffin in America, Australia and India
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A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet
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An Introduction to Brain and Behavior
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Allegories of Union in Irish and English Writing, 1790-1870: Politics, History, and the Family from Edgeworth to Arnold
ISBN 9780521120944 , 2009
Just give money to the poor: the development revolution from the global south
ISBN 9781565493339 , 2010 , David Hulme, Joseph Hanlon, Armando Barrientos
Fra Akropolis til Hollywood: filmmusikk i retorikkens lys
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Beginning ASP.Net 2.0 Object Oriented Programming: From Novice to Professional
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The Celts: a history from earliest times to the present
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Modeling in the Neurosciences from Biological Systems to Neuromimetic Robotics
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Historiography in the Twentieth Century: From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge
ISBN 9780819567666 , 2005 , Georg G. Iggers
Before Columbus: Exploration and Colonization from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, 1229-1492
ISBN 9780812214123 , 1992 , Felipe Fernandez-Armesto