Søk: 'The Psychology of Religious Fundamentalism'
Social Psychology, Books a la Carte Edition
ISBN 9780205249299 , 2012 , Timothy D. Wilson, Robin M. Akert,m.fl.
The Craft of Research, Third Edition
ISBN 9780226065663 , 2008 , 3. utgave , Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb,m.fl.
The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Religion
ISBN 9780199588961 , 2011 , Peter B. (Peter Bernard) Clarke
e-Study Guide for: Theories of Developmental Psychology by Patricia Miller, ISBN 9781429216340
ISBN 9781467225441 , 2012 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Biological Psychology: An Introduction to Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience
ISBN 9780878933242
Cognition: Exploring the Science of the Mind
ISBN 9780393921762 , 2013
Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the Local
ISBN 9781442217768 , 2012 , Robert F. Arnove, Stephen Franz
Introduction to Psychology
ISBN 9780155436862 , 1987
Introduction to Social Psychology
ISBN 9781740095877 , 2001 , Michael A. Hogg, Graham M Vaughan
Ri Ctb Win Psychology
ISBN 9780072431193 , 2001 , Passer-Smith
Psychology: Frontiers and Applications
ISBN 9780071179911 , 2001 , Michael W. Passer, Ronald E. Smith
Casebook in Abnormal Psychology
ISBN 9780534363161 , 2001 , Timothy A. Brown, David H. Barlow
Without Authority: The Lily in the Field and the Bird of the Air, Two Ethical-Religious Essays, Three Dicourses at the Communion on Fridays, an Upbuilding Discourse, Two
ISBN 9780691012391 , 1997 , Søren Kierkegaard, Howard Vincent Hong,m.fl.
The Return of the Soldier
ISBN 9781844086986 , 2010 , Rebecca West
The Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Philosophy
ISBN 9780199679539 , 2013 , George Klosko
The Art of Electronics
ISBN 9780521809269 , 2015 , Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill
The Design of Everyday Things
ISBN 9780262525671 , 2013 , Donald A. Norman
The Member States of the European Union
ISBN 9780199544837 , 2012 , Simon Bulmer, Christian Lequesne
The Fall of PR & the Rise of Advertising
ISBN 9789163307775 , 2009 , Stefan Engeseth
Intl Stdt Ed-Abnormal Child Psychology
ISBN 9780495506171 , 2008 , Eric J. Mash, David David Allen Wolfe
Analysing Qualitative Data in Psychology
ISBN 9781412907828 , 2007 , Evanthia Lyons, Adrian Coyle
Current Directions in Personality Psychology
ISBN 9780205579532 , 2007 , Association for Psychological Science,m.fl.
Cognitive Psychology: A Student's Handbook
ISBN 9781841693590 , 2005 , Michael William Eysenck
Educational Psychology: Active Learning Edition
ISBN 9780205542789 , 2007 , Anita E. Woolfolk, Anita Woolfolk Hoy
Educational Psychology (with MyLabSchool CourseCompass)
ISBN 9780205503506 , 2007 , Anita E. Woolfolk
Key Concepts in Developmental Psychology
ISBN 9780761943457 , 2007 , H. R. Schaffer
Language, Discourse and Social Psychology
ISBN 9781403995957 , 2007 , Ann Weatherall, Bernadette M. Watson,m.fl.
Online Course Pack: Psychology with Access Card: Carlson, Psychology Second European Edition 2e and Data Analysis in Psychology
ISBN 9781405811484 , 2004 , 2. utgave , Darren Langdridge, G Neil Martin
Cross-cultural Psychology: Critical Thinking and Contemporary Applications
ISBN 9780205249350 , 2012 , Eric Shiraev (Politologe, Ethnopsychologe),m.fl.
Governing the World: The History of an Idea
ISBN 9780141011936 , 2013 , Mark Mazower