Søk: 'The antitrust revolution: economics, competition, and policy'
Supply-side Economics And Globalization: The End Of Democracy And Capitalism - The Corridor To 9-11
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Competition, Growth Strategies Annd the Globalization of Services: Real Estate Advisory Services in Japan, Europe and the United States
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Why Are There So Many Banking Crises?: The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation
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Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty
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The Political Economy of Participatory Economics
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Empirical Labor Economics: The Search Approach
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Managerial Economics: Applications, Strategy and Tactics
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Discursive Democracy: Politics, Policy, and Political Science
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Law and economics: essays in honour of Erling Eide
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Economics, Fourth Edition
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Economics of Strategy
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e-Study Guide for: International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition by Donald A. Ball, ISBN 9780078112638
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Oxford Dictionary of Economics
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