Søk: 'Understanding Digital Signal Processing'
Digital representasjon; av tekster, tall, former, lyd, bilder og video
ISBN 9788274772656 , 2006 , Gerhard Skagestein, Fritz Albregtsen
Beyond Technology: Children's Learning in the Age of Digital Culture
ISBN 9780745638812 , 2007 , David Buckingham
The Filmmaker's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide for the Digital Age
ISBN 9780452286788 , 2007 , Steven Ascher, Edward Pincus
Complete Collection 7 CDs Reprint for Understanding Music
ISBN 9780132356572 , 2007 , Jeremy Yudkin
Intl Stdt Edition-Understanding Art: A Concise History
ISBN 9780495104063 , 2007 , Lois Fichner-Rathus
Understanding Circuits: Learning Problem Solving Using Circuit Analysis
ISBN 9781598290028 , 2005 , Khalid Sayood, Richard C. Dorf
The Managers Guide to Understanding Commercial Contract Negotiation
ISBN 9780852977200 , 2005 , Frank Adoranti, Nicholas Lockett
Understanding Civil War: Europe, Central Asia, and other regions
ISBN 9780821360491 , 2005 , Paul Collier, Nicholas Sambanis
Understanding Changing Telecommunications: Building a Successful Telecom Business
ISBN 9780470868515 , 2004 , Anders Olsson
Understanding Granites: Integrating New and Classical Techniques
ISBN 9781862390584 , 2000 , A. Castro, C. Fernandez, Jean Louis Vigneresse
Digital culture, play, and identity: a World of Warcraft reader
ISBN 9780262033701 , 2008 , Jill Walker Rettberg, Hilde G.. Corneliussen
How to be a Record Producer in the Digital Era
ISBN 9780823098965 , 2008 , Megan Perry
Discursive analytical strategies: understanding Foucault, Koselleck, Laclau, Luhmann
ISBN 9781861344397 , 2003 , Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen
Understanding Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences
ISBN 9780314026910 , 1994 , Robert R. Pagano
Design of computers and other complex digital devices
ISBN 9780130402677 , 2000 , Sunggn Lee
Digital representasjon: av tekster, tall, former, lyd, bilder og video
ISBN 9788274773189 , 2007 , Gerhard Skagestein, Fritz Albregtsen
The Tools of Government in the Digital Age: Second Edition
ISBN 9780230001435 , 2007 , 2. utgave , Christopher C. Hood, Helen Z. Margetts
Basic Elements of Digital Systems, 1982
ISBN 9780876646748 , 1982 , Richard A. Gilbert, John Anthony Llewellyn
Emigre: Graphic Design into the Digital Realm
ISBN 9780471285472 , 1993 , R. Vanderlands, Z. Licko, M.E. Gray
Elektronikk 3; digital- og datateknikk, VK1 elektronikk
ISBN 9788200416418 , 1995 , Hans Wold, Gunnbjørn Flyum
Elektronikk 3; digital- og datateknikk, VK1 elektronikk
ISBN 9788200416425 , 1995 , Hans Wold, Gunnbjørn Flyum
Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age: Designing and Delivering E-Learning
ISBN 9780415408745 , 2007 , Helen Beetham
Flourish: A New Understanding of Happiness, Well-Being - And How to Achieve Them.
ISBN 9781857885699 , 2011 , Martin E P Seligman, Ph.D.
Relationship Management: From Understanding to Treatment
ISBN 9780876307144 , 1993 , David L. Dawson, Harriet L. MacMillan
Understanding Employee Relations: A Behavioural Approach
ISBN 9780201568929 , 1993 , Derek Rollinson
Circuits and Systems Based on Delta Modulation: Linear, Nonlinear, and Mixed Mode Processing
ISBN 9783540237518 , 2005
Uncommon Sense: Understanding Nature's Truths Across Time And Culture
ISBN 9780870818288 , 2006 , Anthony F. Aveni
Return on Engagement: Content, Strategy and Design Techniques for Digital Marketing
ISBN 9780240812830 , 2010 , Tim Frick
Digital McLuhan: A Guide to the Information Millenium
ISBN 9780415249911 , 2001 , Paul Levinson
Who Owns the Arctic?: Understanding Sovereignty Disputes in the North
ISBN 9781553654995 , 2010 , Michael Byers