Søk: 'Virtual Applications:: Applications with Virtual Inhabited 3D Worlds'
Applications of statistical and field theory methods to condensed matter
ISBN 9780306435263 , 1990 , Dionys Baeriswyl,m.fl.
Digital Satellite Communications Systems and Technologies: Military and Civil Applications
ISBN 9780792392545 , 1992 , A.N. Ince
Disability in Local and Global Worlds
ISBN 9780520246164 , 2007 , Susan Reynolds Whyte
AutoCAD 2009: 3D øvelser til maskintegning
ISBN 9788792268099 , 2008 , Frede Uhrskov
Annual Reports on Nmr Spectroscopy: Applications of Nmr to Materials Science
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Applications Manual for Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling
ISBN 9780136006794 , 2007 , Henry Edwards
Applications of Synchrotron Radiation: Micro Beams in Cell Micro Biology and Medicine
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Advances in Fractional Calculus: Theoretical Developments and Applications in Physics and Engineering
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Studyguide for Ecology Concepts and Applications by Molles Jr., ISBN 9780072951714: 0072951710
ISBN 9781428832848 , 2007 , all material written by Cram101.,m.fl.
Studyguide for Linear Algebra and Its Applications by Strang, ISBN 9780155510050: 0155510053
ISBN 9781428834781 , 2007 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews, Lord Strang
Studyguide for Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Rosen, ISBN 9780071233743: 0071233741
ISBN 9781428835344 , 2007 , all material written by Cram101.,m.fl.
Real Analysis and Applications - Including Fourier Series and the Calculus of Variations
ISBN 9780821838419 , 2005 , Frank Morgan
Play between worlds: exploring online game culture
ISBN 9780262201636 , 2006 , T. L. Taylor
General Chemistry Principles and Modern Applications 10th Ed. + Study Card 10th Ed. + Masteringchemistry Student Access Kit
ISBN 9780136121497 , 2010 , 10. utgave , Jeff Madura, Ralph H. Petrucci, Carey Bissonnette
Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications + EES DVD for Heat and Mass Transfer
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Chitin and chitosan: sources, chemistry, biochemistry, physical properties, and applications
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Professional WebGL Programming: Developing 3D Graphics for the Web
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Children and Play: Understanding Children's Worlds
ISBN 9780631235217 , 2009 , Peter K. Smith, Yumi Gosso
AutoCAD 2008 - 3D øvelser til maskintegning
ISBN 9788791333798 , 2007 , Frede Uhrskov
AutoCAD 2008 - 3D øvelser til bygningstegning
ISBN 9788791333781 , 2007 , Frede Uhrskov
Introducing 3ds Max 9: 3D for Beginners
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Bioprocessing for Value-Added Products from Renewable Resources: New Technologies and Applications
ISBN 9780444521149 , 2006 , Shang-Tian Yang
Advanced Visual Basic.NET: programming web and desktop applications in ADO.NET and ASP.NET
ISBN 9780130893673 , 2004 , David Gefen, Chittibabu Govindarajulu
Studyguide for Psychological Testing: Principles and Applications by Murphy & Davidshofer, ISBN 9780130273956
ISBN 9781428801417 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
From Classical to Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction to the Formalism, Foundations and Applications
ISBN 9780521143622 , 2010 , Giampiero Esposito, Giuseppe Marmo,m.fl.
AutoCAD 2007 - 3D øvelser til maskintegning
ISBN 9788791333590 , 2006 , Frede Uhrskov
Elementary Linear Algebra 9th Edition W/Applications and Student Solutions Manual Set
ISBN 9780471775843 , 2005 , 9. utgave
Elementary Linear Algebra W/Applications 9th Edition and MATLAB Tutorial CD Set
ISBN 9780471773948 , 2005 , 9. utgave
A Finite Element Framework for Geotechnical Applications Based on Object-orientated Programming
ISBN 9783728128287 , 2002 , Peter Fritz, Xiong Zheng
Access 95/97 i praksis: programmering med Visual Basic for Applications
ISBN 9788275850513 , 1997 , Bernt Bertheussen