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Animal Rights: Political and Social Change in Britain Since 1800
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Finite mathematics with applications for business and social sciences
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Making sense: social sciences : a student's guide to research and writing
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Speech Acts, Mind, and Social Reality: Discussions With John R. Searle
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Philosophy of Social Science
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Quantitative Data Analysis with Pasw 17 18 and 19: A Guide for Social Scientists
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Introducing Multilingualism: A Social Approach
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The art of social relations: essays on culture, social action and everyday life in modern Norway
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Dreaming Realities: A Spiritual System to Create Inner Alignment Through Dreams
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Death of a Salesman: Certain Private Conversations in Two Acts and a Requiem
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The Social Construction of Man, the State, and War: Identity, Conflict, and Violence in Former Yugoslavia
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Self - Presentation and Social Identification: The Rhetoric and Pragmatics of Letter Writing in Early Modern Times
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Asylums: essays on the social situation of mental patients and other inmates
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Social Ethics: An Introduction to the Nature and Ethics of the State
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Social Ethics: An Introduction to the Nature and Ethics of the State
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Electoral Change: Responses to Evolving Social and Attitudinal Structure in Western Countries
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Constructing Early Christian Families: Family As Social Reality and Metaphor
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Climatic Variability in Sixteenth-Century Europe and Its Social Dimension
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Health, coping, and well-being: perspectives from social comparison theory
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Active Learning Exercises for Social Work and the Human Services
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Emotions, the Social Bond, and Human Reality: Part/Whole Analysis
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Aylward and Findlay's SI Chemical Data, 7th Edition
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Last Things: Social Work with the Dying and Bereaved
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The new leadership paradigm: social learning and cognition in organizations
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Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation
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Thinking, fast and slow
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