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American Civilization: An Introduction
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European Television in the Digital Age: Issues, Dyamnics and Realities
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Bad Women: The Regulation of Female Sexuality in Early American Cinema
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The Post-American World
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All news is local: the failure of the media to reflect world events in a globalized age
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The Filmmaker's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide for the Digital Age
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The Norton Anthology of American Literature: 1865-1914
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Changing Religious Worlds: The Meaning and End of Mircea Eliade
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American Photographs in Europe
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In the Beginning Is the Icon: A Liberative Theology of Images, Visual Arts, and Culture
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Challenging Global Inequality: Development Theory and Practice in the 21st Century
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American Eloquence (Studies In American Political History), Volume I
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American Eloquence (Studies In American Political History), Volume II
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Leftovers: Tales of the Two Latin American Lefts
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