Søk: 'Reinventing Film Studies'
English for Business Studies: Audio CD Set : Samhørende Med Student's Book
ISBN 9780521752886 , 2002 , Ian Mackenzie
Norwegian Stave Church Sculpture: pt. 1. Studies. Pt. 2. Plates (1 v.)
ISBN 9788200127444 , 1999 , Erla Bergendahl Hohler
African Worlds: Studies in Cosmological Ideas and Social Values of African Peoples
ISBN 9780852552810 , 1999 , International African Institute,m.fl.
The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style & Mode of Production to 1960
ISBN 9780415003834 , 1988 , Janet Staiger, David Bordwell
Applied Multivariate Analysis in Structure Activity Relationships and Environmental Studies
ISBN 9780792312901 , 1991 , James Devillers, Walter Karcher
Kalhar (white water-lily): studies in art, iconography, architecture, and archaeology of India and Bangladesh
ISBN 9788174790804 , 2007 , Gerd J.R. Mevissen, Mallar Mitra, Sutapa Sinha
The classical Holywood cinema: film style & mode of production to 1960
ISBN 9780231060554 , 1987 , Janet Staiger, David Bordwell
Reader in Greek Sociolinguistics: Studies in Modern Greek Language, Culture, and Communication
ISBN 9783906764894 , 2001 , Alexandra Georgakopoulou, Marianna Spanaki
Collected Papers II. Studies in Social Theory: Photomechanical Reprint
ISBN 9789024702480 , 1976
Corporate Accountability: With Case Studies in Pension Funds and in the Banking Industry
ISBN 9781403921420 , 2004 , Dimitris N. Chorafas
Modelling Early Christianity: Social-Scientific Studies of the New Testament in its Context
ISBN 9780203434642 , 2002
The Lord of the Rings 1.: The Fellowship of the Ring. Film Tie-in.
ISBN 9780007171972 , 2003 , John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
Celluloid wars: a guide to film and the American experience of war
ISBN 9780313260995 , 1992 , Frank Joseph Wetta, Stephen J. Curley
Dark Dreams 2.0: A Psychological History of the Modern Horror Film from the 1950s to the 21st Century
ISBN 9780786433971 , 2009 , Charles Derry
Studies in ancient history and numismatics presented to Rudi Thomsen
ISBN 9788772881614 , 1988 , Aksel Damsgaard-Madsen, Erik Christiansen,m.fl.
A Guide for Epidemiological Studies of Oral Manifestations of HIV Infection
ISBN 9789241544535 , 1993 , World Health Organization
Doing research in cultural studies: an introduction to classical and new methodological approaches
ISBN 9780761965046 , 2003 , Paula Saukko
Film Music: A Neglected Art : a Critical Study of Music in Films
ISBN 9780393308747 , 1992 , Roy M. Prendergast
Applied photographic optics: lenses and optical systems for photography, film, video, electronic and digital imaging
ISBN 9780240515403 , 2002 , Sidney F. Ray
A student's guide to American political thought
ISBN 9781932236422 , 2004 , George Wescott Carey,m.fl.
Cinemas of the Other: A Personal Journey with Film-makers from the Middle East and Central Asia
ISBN 9781841501437 , 2006
DIY Hollywood: Independent Film-making and how Cheap Digital Technology Will Transform it
ISBN 9781856374545 , 1998 , David Carr
The Current State of Interlanguage: Studies in Honor of William E. Rutherford
ISBN 9789027221520 , 1995 , Larry Selinker
Clinical Psychology in Ireland: Empirical studies of problems and treatment processes in adults
ISBN 9780773473393 , 2002 , Alan Carr
Anglo-Norman Studies: Index to Volumes I to X, 1978-1987
ISBN 9780851152691 , 1991 , Richard Wright
Engineering materials 3: materials failure analysis : case studies and design implications
ISBN 9780080419053 , 1993 , D. R. H. Jones
One-dimensional man: studies in the ideology of advanced industrial society
ISBN 9780807014172 , 1991 , Herbert Marcuse
The missionary movement in Christian history: studies in the transmission of faith
ISBN 9781570750595 , 1996 , Andrew Finlay Walls
Visions of the Past: The Challenge of Film to Our Idea of History
ISBN 9780674940987 , 1995 , Robert A. Rosenstone
Fire and Vegetation Dynamics: Studies from The North American Boreal Forest
ISBN 9780521341516 , 1992 , Edward A. Johnson, H. John B. Birks, J. A. Wiens