Søk: 'Anthropology--the cultural perspective'
Globalization and Business Politics in Arab North Africa: A Comparative Perspective
ISBN 9780521156264 , 2010
First Nations Cultural Heritage and Law: Case Studies, Voices, and Perspectives
ISBN 9780774814621 , 2009 , Val Napoleon, Catherine Edith Bell
Asia Pacific And Human Rights: A Global Political Economy Perspective
ISBN 9780754636298 , 2004 , Paul Close, David Askew
Globalization and Business Politics in Arab North Africa: A Comparative Perspective
ISBN 9780521869508 , 2007
Biodiversity and cultural property in the management of limestone resources: lessons from East Asia
ISBN 9780821345085 , 1999 , World Bank, Tony Whitten
Building-Art: Modern Architecture under Cultural Construction
ISBN 9780521440134 , 1993 , Joseph Masheck, Donald B. Kuspit
Building-Art: Modern Architecture under Cultural Construction
ISBN 9780521447850 , 1993 , Joseph Masheck, Donald B. Kuspit
# Cultural Transformation Tweet Book01: Business Advice on Agility and Communication Across Cultures
ISBN 9781616990763 , 2011 , Melissa Lamson, Edited by Rajesh Setty
Anxiety disorders and phobias: a cognitive perspective
ISBN 9780465003853 , 1985 , Aaron T. Beck, Gary Emery, Ruth L. Greenberg
Out and about Stavanger's Green Belts: 32 Excursions Into the City's Natural and Cultural Landscape
ISBN 9788299562713 , 2005 , Ren Powell, Erik Thoring, William Nuttall
Confronting Icarus: a psycho-social perspective on haematological malignancies
ISBN 9780754611127 , 2000 , Pamela McGrath, Pam McGrath
The Cultural Context of Biodiversity: Seen and Unseen Dimensions of Indigenous Knowledge Among Q'Eqchi' Communities in Guatemala
ISBN 9781931968805 , 2010 , Petra Maass
A World of Others' Words: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Intertextuality
ISBN 9781405116053 , 2004 , Richard Bauman
Cognitive Development, Its Cultural and Social Foundations
ISBN 9780674137325 , 1990 , Aleksandr Romanovich Luria
Girls: feminine adolescence in popular culture and cultural theory
ISBN 9780231119122 , 2002 , Catherine Driscoll
Girls: feminine adolescence in popular culture and cultural theory
ISBN 9780231119139 , 2002 , Catherine Driscoll
Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective On Object-Oriented Design
ISBN 9780321247148 , 2004 , Alan Shalloway, James R. Trott
Global Perspective Source Readings from World Civilization: Volume II: 1600 to the Present
ISBN 9780155296176 , 1992 , Stephanie Nelson, Lynn H. Nelson,m.fl.
From Dawn to Decadence: 500 Years of Western Cultural Life : 1500 to the Present
ISBN 9780007115501 , 2001 , Jacques Barzun
Economic Social and Cultural Rights: A Textbook; Second Revised Edition
ISBN 9789041115959 , 2001 , Allan Rosas, Asbjorn Eide, Catarina Krause
Children and Youth in Sport: A Biopsychosocial Perspective
ISBN 9780697224903 , 1995 , Frank L. Smoll, Rodney E. Smith
Aligning Modern Business Processes and Legacy Systems: A Component-Based Perspective
ISBN 9780262513463 , 2009
A Punjabi Village in Perspective: Book I: A Punjabi Village in Pakistan: The Community; Book II: The Economic Life of a Punjabi Village: The Land and the Economy
ISBN 9780195477238 , 2010 , Zekiya Eglar, Zekiye Suleyman Eglar
Between Artifacts and Texts: Historical Archaeology in Global Perspective
ISBN 9780306455568 , 1998
Information for innovation: managing change from an information perspective
ISBN 9780198288251 , 1998 , Stuart MacDonald
Same and Other: Negotiating African Identitity in Cultural Production
ISBN 9789171064776 , 2001 , Mai Palmberg, Maria Eriksson Baaz
Multicultural Citizenship Or Citizenship in a Multicultural Polity: The Liberal State and Cultural Diversity: Defending Benign Neglect
ISBN 9783639191240 , 2009 , Fred Bennett
Art and Design at Brighton 1859-2009: From Arts and Manufactures to the Creative and Cultural Industries
ISBN 9781905593583 , 2009 , Philippa Lyon, Jonathan Woodham
Handbook of Tswana Law and Custom: Compiled for the Bechuanaland Protectorate Administration Classics in African Anthropology
ISBN 9783894736859 , 1995 , Isaac Schapera
Introducing Cultural and Media Studies: A Semiotic Approach, Second Edition
ISBN 9780333972489 , 2002 , 2. utgave , Tony Thwaites, Lloyd Davis, Warwick Mules