Søk: 'Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory: Text and Readings'
The European Mosaic: Contemporary Politics, Economics, and Culture
ISBN 9780582213258 , 1995 , Basil O'Neill, D. A. Gowland
Classical and Modern Thought on International Relations: From Anarchy to Cosmopolis
ISBN 9781403968586 , 2005 , Robert Jackson
Classical and Modern Thought on International Relations: From Anarchy to Cosmopolis
ISBN 9781403968562 , 2005 , Robert Jackson
American Sociolinguistics: Theorists and Theory Groups
ISBN 9789027221780 , 1998
Handbook of Mathematical Induction: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9781420093643 , 2009 , Kenneth H. Rosen, David S. Gunderson
Theory and Research in Promoting Public Health
ISBN 9781849202299 , 2007 , Dr Sarah Earle, Moyra Sidell, Sue Spurr,m.fl.
Theory and Research in Promoting Public Health
ISBN 9781412930710 , 2007 , Sarah Earle, Moyra Sidell, Sue Spurr
The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy
ISBN 9780465092840 , 2005 , Irvin D. Yalom, Molyn Leszcz
Social and Political Philosophy: Readings from Plato to Gandhi
ISBN 9780385012386 , 1963
Film history: theory and practice
ISBN 9780075548713 , 1985 , Douglas Gomery, Robert Clyde Allen
And the Mirror Cracked: Feminist Cinema and Film Theory
ISBN 9780333920411 , 2001 , Anneke Smelik
Political Power and Social Theory
ISBN 9780892322046 , 1982 , Gosta Esping- Andersen
Theory Book ITGK
ISBN 9781781346433 , 2012
Cultural Theory And Popular Culture: A Reader
ISBN 9780820328492 , 2006 , 3. utgave , John Storey
Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, and Postmodern Perspectives
ISBN 9780199260218 , 2006 , Mary Jo Hatch, Ann L. Cunliffe
Attachment Therapy With Adolescents and Adults: Theory and Practice Post Bowlby
ISBN 9781855755222 , 2009 , Dorothy Heard, Brian Lake, Una McCluskey
Classics of Moral and Political Theory
ISBN 9780872205789 , 2001
Motor Control: Theory and Practical Applications
ISBN 9780683306439 , 2001 , Marjorie Hines Woollacott,m.fl.
Social Nature: Theory, Practice and Politics
ISBN 9780631215677 , 2001 , Noel Castree, Bruce Braun
Intergroup Relations: Key Readings
ISBN 9780863776793 , 2001 , Michael A. Hogg, Dominic Abrams
Intergroup Relations: Key Readings
ISBN 9780863776786 , 2001 , Michael A. Hogg, Dominic Abrams
Linear System Theory and Design
ISBN 9780030602894 , 1984 , Chi-Tsong Chen
Antenna Theory and Design, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9780471025900 , 1998 , 2. utgave , Warren L. Stutzman, Gary A. Thiele
Religion and Economics: Normative Social Theory
ISBN 9780792383734 , 1998 , Anthony Michael C. Waterman, James Michel Dean
Readings in Industrial Organization
ISBN 9780631216179 , 2000 , Luís M. B. Cabral
Wind energy explained: theory, design and application
ISBN 9780471499725 , 2002 , James Manwell, Jon G. McGowan, Anthony L. Rogers
Joining Together: Pearson New International Edition: Group Theory and Group Skills
ISBN 9781292022635 , 2013 , David H. Johnson, Frank P. Johnson
Industrial organization: theory and practice
ISBN 9780198741220 , 1980 , Joan Woodward
Contemporary Russia
ISBN 9780333772027 , 2005 , Edwin Bacon, Matthew Wyman
Language and Human Relations: Styles of Address in Contemporary Language
ISBN 9780521182379 , 2011 , Michael Clyne, Catrin Norrby, Jane Warren