Søk: 'Debating American immigration, 1882--present'
Dramas of solitude: narratives of retreat in American nature writing
ISBN 9780791436783 , 1998 , Randall Roorda
Celebrations of identity: multiple voices in American ritual performance
ISBN 9780897893350 , 1993
A not very American perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility: Responsibility for what?
ISBN 9788202264086 , 2007 , Frode Nyeng
Teaching with The Norton Anthology of American Literature: A Guide for Instructors
ISBN 9780393929928 , 2007 , Nina Baym, Bruce Michelson
Physical Review, Volume 2
ISBN 9781142677725 , 2010 , Cornell University, American Institute Of Physics,m.fl.
Cyclopdia of English Literature: A History, Critical and Biographical, of British Authors, from the Earliest to the Present Times, Volume 2
ISBN 9781143914355 , 2010 , Robert Chambers
The American Quilt: A History of Cloth and Comfort 1750-1950
ISBN 9781400080960 , 2004 , Robert M. Johnson, Roderick Kiracofe,m.fl.
Pluralism Comes of Age: American Religious Culture in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780765601513 , 2002 , Charles A. Lippy
American Government + Mypoliscilab: Roots and Reform, 2009 Texas Edition, Books a La Carte
ISBN 9780205668656 , 2009
Major Problems in American Foreign Relations: Documents and Essays Volume II, . Since 1914
ISBN 9780495800170 , 2009 , Thomas G. Paterson, Dennis Merrill
African-American Middle-Income Parents: How Are They Involved in Their Children's Literacy Development?
ISBN 9781593118297 , 2008 , Ethel Swindell Robinson,m.fl.
Richard Nixon, Great Britain and the Anglo-American Alignment in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Peninsula: Making Allies Out of Clients
ISBN 9781845194666 , 2011 , Tore T. Petersen
Worlds Together, Worlds Apart: A History of the Modern World from the Mongol Empire to the Present
ISBN 9780393977462 , 2002 , Robert L. Tignor
Northern Naval Superiority and the Economics of the American Civil War
ISBN 9781570034077 , 2001 , David George Surdam, Thomas Tisdale
Prosthetic Memory: The Transformation of American Remembrance in the Age of Mass Culture
ISBN 9780231129275 , 2004
Fishing grounds: defining a new era for American fisheries management
ISBN 9781559638036 , 2000 , Susan Hanna,m.fl.
Athens Insight Flexi Map
ISBN 9789812580016 , 2005 , American Map Corporation
Standard Handbook of Chains: Chains for Power Transmission And Materials Handling
ISBN 9780849391941 , 2005 , American Chain Association
ISBN 9781557988706 , 2005 , American Psychiatric Association
Biographical Dictionary of Latin American Historians and Historiography
ISBN 9780313230042 , 1984 , Jack Ray Thomas
African American Hair and Its Role in Advertising, Black Women's Careers, and Consumption Behavior
ISBN 9783638655590 , 2007 , Sandra Radtke
Russia and the Soviet Union : an historical introduction from the Kievan state to the present
ISBN 9780813319643 , 1994 , John M. Thompson
A Double bond: the constitutional documents of American Jewry
ISBN 9780819185860 , 1992 , Daniel J. Elnzar, Jonathan D. Sarnas,m.fl.
The birth of African-American culture: an anthropological perspective
ISBN 9780807009161 , 1992 , Sidney Wilfred Mintz, Richard Price
American Republicanism: Roman Ideology in the United States Constitution
ISBN 9780333605776 , 1994
Cyclopedia of Engineering: A General Reference Work on Steam Boilers, Pumps, Engines, and Turbines, Gas and Oil Engines, Automobiles, Marine and Locom
ISBN 9781144696274 , 2010 , Ill ) American School (Lansing
Cyclopedia of Engineering: A General Reference Work on Steam Boilers, Pumps, Engines, and Turbines, Gas and Oil Engines, Automobiles, Marine and Locom
ISBN 9781144155702 , 2010 , Ill.) American School (Lansing
Whose world order?: Russia's perception of American ideas after the Cold War
ISBN 9780268042288 , 2004 , Andrei P. Tsygankov
Bound to lead: the changing nature of American power
ISBN 9780465007448 , 1991 , Joseph S. Nye
Almost Dysfunctional: An American Academic's Search for Solace in Contemporary Russia
ISBN 9780595216543 , 2001