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The politics of persuasion: British policy and French African neutrality, 1940-1942
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Exploring Corporate Strategy Revised Media Edition Text and Cases 7th Edition: Text and Cases with Companion Website with Gradetracker: Student Access Card: Johnson, Exploring Corporate Strategy
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Computational Approaches to Text Understanding: A Survey of Current Issues in Denmark
ISBN 9788772891811 , 1992 , Steen Jansen, Jorgen Olsen, Henrik Prebensen,m.fl.
Thinking Arabic Translation: A Couse in Translation Method : Arabic to English
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Comparing English Worldwide: The International Corpus of English
ISBN 9780198235828 , 1996 , Sidney Greenbaum
Improve Your Global Business English: The Essential Toolkit for Writing and Communicating Across Borders
ISBN 9780749466138 , 2012 , Fiona Talbot, Sudakshina Bhattacharjee
Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom: A Guide to Current Ideas about the Theory and Practice of English Language Teaching
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Mansfield Park: Authoritative Text, Contexts, Criticism
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Atlas and Text-Book of Human Anatomy: Vascular System, Lymphatic System, Nervous System and Sense Organs
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A Breeding Bird Survey of the National Forest (English Midlands) in 2008
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A Dictionary of Welsh and English Idiomatic Phrases
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Hippocrene Children's Illustrated Russian Dictionary: English-Russian/Russian-English
ISBN 9780781808927 , 2001 , Deborah Dumont, Hippocrene Books
Intelligent Business: Advanced Business English
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A Comprehensive Interpretation of the Life and Work of Christa Wolf, 20th Century German Writer
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Customer Confidentiality, Money-laundering, and Police-bank Relationships: English Law and Practice in a Global Environment
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Understanding and Using English Grammar: Workbook
ISBN 9780139586873 , 1950 , Betty Schrampfer Azar
The Earl and His Butler in Constantinople: The Secret Diary of an English Servant Among the Ottomans
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English Literature for the IB Diploma
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