Søk: 'Making Votes Count: Strategic Coordination in the World's Electoral Systems'
Making contact
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Critical Issues in User Interface Systems Engineering
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Strategic Supply Management: Principles, Theories and Practice
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Religion and Development: Ways of Transforming the World
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Contemporary Issues in Database Design and Information Systems Development
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Strategic management: an integrated approach
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Stort sett harmløs
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På livet løs
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Biometrics: identity verification in a networked world
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The Encyclopedia Of World Mythology
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Strategic Supply Chain Management: Course Book
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Escape from violence: conflict and the refugee crisis in the developing world
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Beyond Globalization: Making New Worlds in Media, Art, and Social Practices
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Beyond Globalization: Making New Worlds in Media, Art, and Social Practices
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Information Flow: The Logic of Distributed Systems
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Politics and Development in the Caribbean Basin: Central America and the Caribbean in the New World Order
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Distributed Operating Systems
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Accounting Information Systems
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Explorations in Physics: An Activity-Based Approach to Understanding the World
ISBN 9780471324249 , 2002 , Priscilla W. Laws, David P. Jackson,m.fl.