Søk: 'Media, Technology and Society'
The Making of the Economic Society
ISBN 9780136080695 , 2011 , Robert L. Heilbroner
America As Second Creation: Technology and Narratives of New Beginnings
ISBN 9780262140812 , 2003 , David Edwin Nye
Objects of desire: design and society since 1970
ISBN 9780500274125 , 1986 , Adrian Forty
The discovery of society
ISBN 9780070118836 , 1998 , Randall Collins, Michael Makowsky
The Media in Question: Popular Cultures and Public Interests
ISBN 9780761957232 , 1997 , Liesbet van Zoonen, Joke Hermes, Kees Brants
Mind & Society Vol. 2 (1935)
ISBN 9780766151482 , 2003 , Vilfredo Pareto, Arthur Livingston
Mind & Society Vol. 3 (1935)
ISBN 9780766151499 , 2003 , Vilfredo Pareto, Arthur Livingston
The Culture of Connectivity: A Critical History of Social Media
ISBN 9780199970780 , 2013
Gods and ancestors: society and religion among the forest tribes in Madagascar
ISBN 9788256013791 , 2002 , 1. utgave , Jørgen Ruud
Information technology for the health professions
ISBN 9780131175921 , 2005 , Lillian Burke, Barbara Weill
Hazard assessment and control technology in semiconductor manufacturing II.
ISBN 9781882417025 , 1993 , m.fl.
Byzantium between the Ottomans and the Latins: Politics and Society in the Late Empire
ISBN 9780521877381 , 2009 , Nevra Necipoglu
Digital Media in East Asia: National Innovation and the Transformation of a Region
ISBN 9781604978056 , 2012 , Carin Holroyd, Kenneth Coates
Ambrose: church and society in the late Roman world
ISBN 9780582251137 , 1999
Understanding European trade unionism: between market, class and society
ISBN 9780761952206 , 2001 , Richard Hyman
Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling Technology Products to Mainstream Customers
ISBN 9781841120638 , 1998 , Geoffrey A. Moore, Regis McKenna
America and the Automobile: Technology, Reform and Social Change/1893-1923
ISBN 9780719038082 , 1992 , Peter J. Ling
The Dynasty Years: Hollywood Television and Critical Media Studies
ISBN 9780415085991 , 1995 , Jostein Gripsrud
The Wiley Guide to Project Technology, Supply Chain, and Procurement Management
ISBN 9780470226827 , 2007 , Peter Morris, Jeffrey K. Pinto
Afghanistan, Arms and Conflict: Armed Groups, Disarmament and Security in a Post-War Society
ISBN 9780415453080 , 2008 , Mark Sedra, Michael Vinay Bhatia
Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology
ISBN 9780130104922 , 2000 , Joseph J. Carr, John Michael Brown
Past, Present and Future of Research in the Information Society
ISBN 9780387327228 , 2006 , Wesley Shrum, Keith Benson, Wiebe Bijker,m.fl.
On global order: power, values, and the constitution of international society
ISBN 9780199233113 , 2007 , Andrew Hurrell
State and Civil Society in Northern Europe: The Swedish Model Reconsidered
ISBN 9781845452322 , 2007 , Lars Tragardh
Dissent Events: Protest, Media and the Political Gimmick in Australia
ISBN 9780868406510 , 2002 , Sean Scalmer
Frodo & Harry - Understanding Visual Media And Its Impact on Our Lives
ISBN 9780975345573 , 2006 , Tom Snyder, Ted Baehr
A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology
ISBN 9781405146012 , 2009 , Stig Andur Pedersen, Vincent F. Hendricks,m.fl.
From Genes to Genomes: Concepts and Applications of DNA Technology
ISBN 9780471497837 , 2002 , Jeremy W. Dale, Malcolm Von Schantz
Leonardo to the Internet: Technology and Culture from the Renaissance to the Present
ISBN 9781421401546 , 2011 , Thomas J. Misa
Agribusiness and Society: Corporate Responses to Environmentalism, Market Opportunities and Public Regulation
ISBN 9781842774120 , 2004 , Kees Jansen, Sietze Vellema