Søk: 'Writing Women's Worlds: Bedouin Stories'
Conceptualizing Academic Essay Writing: A Developmental Investigation of the Concepts, Composing Strategies, and Writing Instruction of High School Students of Varying Performance Levels
ISBN 9783836490658 , 2008 , Loretta Kane
A Nation of Women: Gender and Colonial Encounters Among the Delaware Indians
ISBN 9780812241822 , 2009 , Gunlög Maria Fur
Løs konfliktene: om hverdagslige konflikter på jobben
ISBN 9788259013910 , 1994 , Bo Ahrenfelt, Roland Berner
American Muslim Women: Negotiating Race, Class, and Gender Within the Ummah
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Why women mean business: understanding the emergence of our next economic revolution
ISBN 9780470725085 , 2008 , Alison Maitland, Avivah Wittenberg-Cox
The Domestication of Desire: Women, Wealth, and Modernity in Java
ISBN 9780691016924 , 1998
Fantastic Women: 18 Tales of the Surreal and the Sublime from Tin House
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The Myth of Mars and Venus: Do Men and Women Really Speak Different Languages?
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Write Away: One Novelist's Approach to Fiction and the Writing Life
ISBN 9780060560447 , 2005 , Elizabeth George
Gospel Bearers, Gender Barriers: Missionary Women in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9781570754258 , 2002 , Dana Lee Robert
Book Talk: Occasional Writing on Literature and Children
ISBN 9780903355476 , 1995 , Aidan Chambers
Assessing Reading, Writing and Maths: An Assessment Test
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Danish Fairy & Folk Tales: A Collection of Popular Stories and Fairy Tales
ISBN 9780559842603 , 2008 , Sven Grundtvig
Econ Today: Microvw Alc& Mel& Ebk 1-Sem S/Acc
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Investments: Analysis and Behavior with S&P Bind-in Card
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A. I. S. E. Physics Scientists/Engineers V2 (23-46)
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Principles of Corporate Finance with S&P bind-in card
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White Women, Race Matters: The Social Construction of Whiteness
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Far from the Shores of Galilee: Stories for Seekers And Wanderers
ISBN 9780595376926 , 2005 , John Stamos Parrish
Kjøttfagene 2; fra bås til bord
ISBN 9788258511967 , 1997
Essentials of Exercise Physiology with CDROM and Book(s)
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The Darkened Room: Women, Power, and Spiritualism in Late Victorian England
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Ozzy Ozbourne and Black Sabbath: The Stories Behind the Songs
ISBN 9781842228029 , 2003 , Carol Clerk, Ozzy Osbourne
Bittersweet Legacy: Creative Responses to the Holocaust : Art, Poetry, Stories
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All Marketers Are Liars: The Power of Telling Authentic Stories in a Low-Trust World
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Making Sense: A Student's Guide to Research and Writing : Social Sciences
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Total Engagement: Usiong Games and Virtual Worlds to Change the Way People Work and Businesses Compete
ISBN 9781422146576 , 2009
Writing Essays About Literature: A Guide and Style Sheet
ISBN 9780155066175 , 2001 , Kelley Griffith
A Still Small Voice: Women, Ordination, and the Church
ISBN 9780815626831 , 1996 , Frederick W. Schmidt, Betty Bone Schiess
Foucault and Literature: Towards a Genealogy of Writing
ISBN 9780415012423 , 1992 , Simon During