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The Advertising and Consumer Culture Reader
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Liberalism, Community and Culture
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Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction
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American vision of the Netherlands East Indies: US foreign policy and Indonesian nationalism, 1920-1949
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The Greeks: history, culture, and society
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A Special Relationship: Anglo American Relations from the Cold War to Iraq
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Firmly I Believe and Truly: The Spiritual Tradition of Catholic England
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Athens Insight Flexi Map
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Standard Handbook of Chains: Chains for Power Transmission And Materials Handling
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Animal Cell Culture and Technology
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American Foreign Relations: A History, Volume 2: Since 1895: A History- Since 1895
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Active Meditation: The Western Tradition
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A Terrible Glory: Custer and the Little Bighorn, the Last Great Battle of the American West
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Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture
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Culture and Social Change
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Animal Cell Culture: Concept and Application
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Culture and Rights: Anthropological Perspectives
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American virtues: Thomas Jefferson on the character of a free people
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Communication and culture: an introduction
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