Søk: 'American Cities and Technology: Wilderness to Wired city'
A Textbook of Production Technology: Manufacturing Processes
ISBN 9788121911146 , 2007 , P. C. Sharma
Handbook of Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Second Edition
ISBN 9781574446753 , 2007 , 2. utgave , Robert Doering, Yoshio Nishi
60s: All-American Ads
ISBN 9783822824023 , 2003 , Jim Heimann
Understanding African American Rhetoric
ISBN 9780415943864 , 2003 , Elaine B. Richardson
The Golem at Large: What You Should Know about Technology
ISBN 9781107688285 , 2014 , Harry Collins, Trevor Pinch
The sorrows of an American
ISBN 9780340897096 , 2009 , Siri Hustvedt
The Norton Anthology of American Literature Shorter Edition
ISBN 9780393930573 , 2007 , Nina Baym
City Reframed: Managing Warsaw in the 1990's
ISBN 9789058230652 , 2000 , Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges
American Heat: Ethical Problems With the United States' Response to Global Warming
ISBN 9780742512962 , 2002 , Tim Weiskel
American heat: ethical problems with the United States' response to global warming
ISBN 9780742512955 , 2002 , Tim Weiskel
Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780857022431 , 2011 , Joep P. Cornelissen
A Progressive German Reader: Adapted to the American Edition of Ollendorf's German Grammar: With Copious Noites and a Vocabulary
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A Progressive German Reader: Adapted to the American Edition of Ollendorff's German Grammar: With Copious Notes and a Vocabulary
ISBN 9781143057762 , 2010 , George J. Adler, Heinrich Gottfried Ollendorff
Process Analyzer Sample-conditioning System Technology
ISBN 9780471293644 , 2002 , Robert E. Sherman
Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology: Gadest '91
ISBN 9780878495689 , 1991 , H. Richter
Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation: An Introduction to Theory and History
ISBN 9780205877386 , 2012 , David A. Welch, Joseph S Nye, Jr.
American Hegemony and the Postwar Reconstruction of Science in Europe
ISBN 9780262612258 , 2008
American Independent Cinema: An Introduction
ISBN 9780748618675 , 2006
American Independent Cinema: An Introduction
ISBN 9780748618668 , 2006
New Perspectives in American Politics
ISBN 9780887382802 , 2006 , Lucius J. Barker
Peace Process: American Diplomacy And The Arab-Israeli Conflict Since 1967
ISBN 9780520246317 , 2005
Blended boundaries: caste, class, and shifting faces of 'Hinduness' in a North Indian city
ISBN 9780195664003 , 2005 , Kathinka Frøystad
China's Foreign Policy Making: Societal Force And Chinese American Policy
ISBN 9780754646075 , 2005 , Yufan Hao, Lin Su
America's Response to China: A History of Sino-American Relations
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City in the Roman West, c.250 BC-c.AD 250
ISBN 9781139180740 , 2011
The Facts on File Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Society
ISBN 9780816031238 , 1999 , Rudi R. Volti
American Hostage: A Memoir of a Journalist Kidnapped in Iraq and the Remarkable Battle to Win His Release
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The Future of Us All: Race and Neighborhood Politics in New York City
ISBN 9780801484612 , 2000 , Roger Sanjek
Globalisation and the Labour Market: Trade, Technology and Less Skilled Workers in Europe and the United States
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Engineering Materials 1: An Introduction to Properties, Applications and Design
ISBN 9780080966656 , 2011 , Michael F. Ashby, David Rayner Hunkin Jones