Søk: 'Anthropology--the cultural perspective'
Emotions and Coping During Exams: A Dissection of Cultural Variance by Means of the Tripartie Self-construal Model
ISBN 9783830918981 , 2008 , Tobias, Ringeisen
Buddhism in Contemporary Tibet: Religious Revival and Cultural Identity
ISBN 9780520211315 , 1998 , Matthew T. Kapstein, Melvyn C. Goldstein,m.fl.
Information for Innovation: Managing Change from an Information Perspective
ISBN 9780199241477 , 2000 , Stuart MacDonald
Cultural Control And Globalization in Asia: Copyright, Piracy And Cinema
ISBN 9780415352017 , 2005 , Pang Laikwan
A World of Others' Words: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Intertextuality
ISBN 9781405116046 , 2004 , Richard Bauman
Seeing ourselves: classic, contemporary, and cross-cultural readings in sociology
ISBN 9780131115576 , 2004 , John J. Macionis, Nijole Vaicaitis Benokraitis
Essays in Migratory Aesthetics: Cultural Practices Between Migration and Art-making
ISBN 9789042022362 , 2007 , Sam Durrant, Catherine M. Lord
Literature for the English classroom: theory into practice
ISBN 9788245013825 , 2013
Theory and practice of writing: an applied linguistic perspective
ISBN 9780582553835 , 1996 , William Grabe, Robert B. Kaplan
Environmental Risk Managemen and Corporate Lending: A Global Perspective
ISBN 9780849317750 , 1999 , Phil Case
Ancient Rome and India: Commercial and Cultural Contacts Between the Roman World and India
ISBN 9788121506762 , 1998 , Maria Rosa Cimino
From political economy to anthropology: situating economic life in past societies
ISBN 9781895431896 , 1996 , Colin A.M. Duncan, David W. Tandy
Science and Technology in a Multicultural World: The Cultural Politics of Facts and Artifacts
ISBN 9780231101974 , 1995
Case Studies in Festival and Event Marketing and Cultural Tourism
ISBN 9781905369034 , 2006 , Jane Ali-Knight, Donna Chambers
Research Practice for Cultural Studies: Ethnographic Methods and Lived Cultures
ISBN 9780761951759 , 2002 , Ann Gray
Aligning Modern Business Processes and Legacy Systems: A Component-Based Perspective
ISBN 9780262220798 , 2007
Cultural Patterns and Technical Change: A Manual
ISBN 9780313248399 , 1985
Achieving Cultural Competency: A Case-Based Approach to Training Health Professionals
ISBN 9781405180726 , 2009 , Lisa Hark, Horace DeLisser, Gail Morrison
Studying societies and cultures: Marvin Harris's cultural materialism and its legacy
ISBN 9781594512872 , 2007 , Stephen K. Sanderson, Lawrence A. Kuznar
Cultural Conceptions of Mental Health and Therapy
ISBN 9789027713629 , 1982 , Anthony J. Marsella, Geoffrey Miles White
Seeing ourselves: classic, contemporary, and cross-cultural readings in sociology
ISBN 9780130391216 , 2003 , John J. Macionis, Bruce Ravelli,m.fl.
Excluded Ancestors, Inventible Traditions: Essays Toward a More Inclusive History of Anthropology
ISBN 9780299163907 , 2000 , Richard Handler
Autopoietic Organization Theory: Drawing on Niklas Luhmann's Social Systems Perspective
ISBN 9788279350224 , 2003 , Tore Bakken, Tor Hernes
To Double Business Bound: Essays on Literature, Mimesis, and Anthropology
ISBN 9780801836558 , 1988 , Rene Girard
Cross-Cultural Business Behavior: Marketing, Negotiating, and Managing Across Cultures
ISBN 9788716134288 , 1999 , Richard R. Gesteland
Kabbalah, Magic, and Science: The Cultural Universe of a Sixteenth-Century Jewish Physician
ISBN 9780674496606 , 1988 , David B. Ruderman
Patients and Healers in the Context of Culture: An Exploration of the Borderland Between Anthropology, Medicine and Psychiatry
ISBN 9780520045118 , 1981 , Arthur Kleinman
Anthropology and history in Franche-Comté: a critique of social theory
ISBN 9780199241996 , 2000 , Robert H. Layton
Cognitive Models of Speech Processing: Psycholinguistic and Computational Perspective
ISBN 9780262510844 , 1995
Valuepack: University Physics with Modern Physics with Mastering Physics:(International Edition) with The Cosmic Perspective, Media Update
ISBN 9781405837095 , 2005 , Hugh D. Young, Jeffrey O. Bennett