Søk: 'Child care choices: balancing the needs of children, families, and society'
Child Development, Plus MyDevelopmentLab with Pearson Etext
ISBN 9781447943549 , 2012 , Laura E. Berk
Civil society and gender justice: historical and comparative perspectives
ISBN 9781845454371 , 2008
Conceptualizing Cruelty to Children in Nineteenth-Century England: Literature, Representation, and the Nspcc
ISBN 9780754664567 , 2009 , Monica Flegel
Facilitator resource manual: methods for involving children and youth in the development of their sports activities
ISBN 9788272861727 , 2006 , Vigdis Vatshaug, Britt Karen Spjeld,m.fl.
One Hundred Things Every Designer Needs to Know about People
ISBN 9780321767530 , 2011 , Susan Weinschenk
Aspergers and the Infant Child: How to Recognise the Signs; Starting School and Problems Encountered; Practical Advice for Parents/Teachers
ISBN 9781456789756 , 2011
Basic Medical Techniques and Patient Care in Imaging Technology
ISBN 9780781731911 , 2003 , Lillian S. Torres, Andrea Guillen Dutton,m.fl.
Statistics for Health Care Professionals
ISBN 9780761974765 , 2005
Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes
ISBN 9780674576292 , 1978 , L. S. Vygotskii, Vera John-Steiner,m.fl.
Business & society: ethics and stakeholder management
ISBN 9780324001020 , 1999 , Archie B. Carroll, Ann Buchholtz
The Zaza Kurds of Turkey: A Middle Eastern Minority in a Globalised Society
ISBN 9781845118754 , 2011 , Mehmed S. Kaya
The Hundred Languages of Children: The Reggio Emilia Approach: Advanced Reflections. Second Edition
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Evolutionism and Its Critics: Deconstructing and Reconstructing an Evolutionary Interpretation of Human Society
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Latin American civilization: history and society, 1492 to the present
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Conducting Research with Children: Perspectives and Practices
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The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols: The Ultimate A-Z Guide from Alchemy to the Zodiac
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Economics Of Health Care: An Introductory Text
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Why Does E=MC[squared]?: (And Why Should We Care?)
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Fortapt kjærlighet: en families memoarer
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Broadband Satellite Communications and the Information Society: The Space Bridge for Digital Divide
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Child Labour: A Public Health Perspective
ISBN 9780199558582 , 2010 , David Lewis Parker, Dr. Thomas J. Scanlon,m.fl.
In the Society of Nature: A Native Ecology in Amazonia
ISBN 9780521574679 , 1996 , Meyer Fortes, Edmund Leach, Jack Goody,m.fl.
United Kingdom Edition - Nancy Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets
ISBN 9780763775391 , 2009 , British Paramedic Association, Paramed British,m.fl.
Creative Therapy for Children with Autism, ADD, and Asperger's: Using Artistic Creativity to Reach, Teach, and Touch Our Children
ISBN 9780757003004 , 2008
Politics and Society in Contemporary Africa
ISBN 9780333694756 , 1999 , Naomi Chazan
Management Accounting in Health Care Organizations
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The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
ISBN 9780091884208 , 2002 , Ellen Bass, Laura Davis
Abraham's Children: Jews, Christians and Muslims in Conversation
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Built to Meet Needs: Cultural Issues in Vernacular Architecture
ISBN 9780750666572 , 2006 , Paul Oliver
Civil Society in Yemen: The Political Economy of Activism in Modern Arabia
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