Søk: 'Colonial Space: Spatiality in the Discourse of German South West Africa 1884-1915'
Insiders and Outsiders: Citizenship and Xenophobia in Contemporary Southern Africa
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A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics: Groups, Hilbert Space and Differential Geometry
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Houses in the Rain Forest: Ethnicity and Inequality Among Farmers and Foragers in Central Africa
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Africa in the New International Order: Rethinking State Sovereignty and Regional Security
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A German women's movement: class and gender in Hanover, 1880-1933
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A German women's movement: class and gender in Hanover, 1880-1933
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The West and the Third World: Trade, Colonialism, Dependence and Development
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Colonialism and Nationalism in Africa: A Four-volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles
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Africa Bibliography 1997
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Scripture, Reason, and the Contemporary Islam-West Encounter: Studying the "Other," Understanding the "Self"
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History of the Modern World
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Pursuing grounded theory in law: South-North experiences in developing women's law
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Creating East and West: Renaissance humanists and the Ottoman Turks
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Relatos y relaciones de Hispanoamérica colonial
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Space, Difference, Everyday Life: Reading Henri Lefebvre
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A Discourse on the Study of the Law of Nature and Nations: Introductory to a Course of Lectures on That Science to Be Commenced in Lincoln's Inn Hall, on Wednesday, Feb. 13, 1799 in Persuance of an Order of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn
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Paths toward Democracy: The Working Class and Elites in Western Europe and South America
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Insiders and outsiders: citizenship and xenophobia in contemporary Southern Africa
ISBN 9781842776766 , 2006 , Francis B. Nyamnjoh
A Documentary History of Indian South Africans
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The Origins of the Second World War in Europe
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Colonial Citizens: Republican Rights, Paternal Privilege, and Gender in French Syria and Lebanon
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Economics: Its Principles and Practice in Developing Africa
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Accountable Government in Africa: Perspectives from Public Law and Political Studies
ISBN 9789280812053 , 2012 , United Nations University, Danwood M. Chirwa,m.fl.
Wonga Coup: A Tale of Guns, Germs and the Steely Determination to Create Mayhem in an Oil-Rich Corner of Africa
ISBN 9781400132904 , 2006 , Adam Roberts, Simon Vance
Lov av 13. august 1915 nr. 5 om domstolene (domstolloven).
ISBN 9788202199784 , 2002
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In the Presence of the Enemy
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In the shadow of the ark
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Imposing Wilderness: Struggles Over Livelihood and Nature Preservation in Africa
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