Søk: 'Critical Theory and Frankfurt Theorists: Lectures, Correspondence, Conversations'
Quantum Field Theory
ISBN 9780521864497 , 2007 , Mark Srednicki
Critical Reading: Making Sense of Papers in Life Sciences and Medicine
ISBN 9780415303224 , 2006 , Ben Yudkin
Awareness Systems: Advances in Theory, Methodology, and Design
ISBN 9781848824768 , 2009 , Panos Markopoulos, Wendy Mackay
Game Theory and Its Application to Strategic Management
ISBN 9783837075403 , 2009 , Clemens Jager, Verena Holler
Illuminating Social Life: Classical and Contemporary Theory Revisited
ISBN 9781412952361 , 2007 , Peter J. Kivisto
Phenomenological psychology [electronic resource]: theory, research, and method
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Theory of Applied Robotics: Kinematics, Dynamics, And Control
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Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Theory: A Concise Introduction
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Attachment Therapy With Adolescents and Adults: Theory and Practice Post Bowlby
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Critical sociology: European perspectives
ISBN 9780470264256 , 1979 , J.W. Freiberg
The Theory and Analysis of Drama
ISBN 9780521423830 , 1991
Critical & Bibliographical Notes on Early Spanish Music
ISBN 9781147612691 , 2010 , Juan Facundo Riano
Combinatorial Algorithms Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780131524545 , 1977 , Edward M. Reingold
Knowledge And The Social Sciences: Theory, Method, Practice
ISBN 9780415329767 , 2004 , David S. Goldblatt
An Introduction To Discourse Analysis: Theory And Method
ISBN 9780415328616 , 2005 , James Paul Gee
Constructing gender and difference: critical research perspectives on early childhood
ISBN 9781572732223 , 1998 , Barbara Kamier
Constructing gender and difference: critical research perspectives on early childhood
ISBN 9781572732230 , 1998 , Barbara Kamier
Arnold Schonberg Correspondence: A Collection of Translated and Annotated Letters Exchanged with Guido Adler, Pablo Casals, Emanuel Feuermann and Olin Downes
ISBN 9780810824522 , 1991 , Arnold Schoenberg, Egbert M. Ennulat
Knowledge and the Social Sciences: Theory, Method and Practice
ISBN 9780415222860 , 2000 , David S. Goldblatt
Economic Growth and the Environment : An Introduction to the Theory
ISBN 9780198705420 , 2015
Talking Music: Conversations with John Cage, Philip Glass, Laurie Anderson, and 5 Generations of American Experimental Composers
ISBN 9780306808937 , 1999 , William Duckworth
Advanced Linear Models: Theory and Applications
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An Introduction to International Relations Theory: Perspectives and Themes
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Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice Pie No Us Sale
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The Official Correspondence Relative to the Negotiation for Peace, Between Great Britain and the French Republick, as Laid Before Both Houses of Parliament
ISBN 9781147877496 , 2010 , Ministere Des Affaires etrangeres, France,m.fl.
Complex Function Theory
ISBN 9780821844281 , 2007 , Donald Sarason
Common Law Theory
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Elementary Number Theory
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Financial Accounting Theory
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System innovation and the transition to sustainability: theory, evidence and policy
ISBN 9781843766834 , 2004 , Boelie Elzen, Frank W. Geels, Kenneth Green