Søk: 'Cultural Studies'
Kings, Chronicles and Genealogies: Studies in the Political History of Early Medieval Ireland and Wales
ISBN 9781900934091 , 2002 , David E. Thornton
Restructuring and Privitization in Central Eastern Europe: Case Studies of Firms in Transition
ISBN 9781563246111 , 1995 , Saul Estrin, Joseph C. Brada, Alan Gelb,m.fl.
The eighteenth century: the intellectual and cultural context of English literature, 1700-1789
ISBN 9780582219267 , 1993 , James Sambrook
To Lead the Free World: American Nationalism and the Cultural Roots of the Cold War
ISBN 9780807848364 , 2000 , John Fousek
The Nature of Cultural Heritage And the Culture of Natural Heritage: Northern Perwspectives on a Contested Patrimony
ISBN 9780415377683 , 2006 , David Lowenthal, Kenneth Robert Olwig
Ancient Rome and India: Commercial and Cultural Contacts Between the Roman World and India
ISBN 9788121506762 , 1998 , Maria Rosa Cimino
Analysis of Engineering Design Studies for Demilitarization of Assembled Chemical Weapons at Pueblo Chemical Depot
ISBN 9780309076074 , 2001 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
Science and Technology in a Multicultural World: The Cultural Politics of Facts and Artifacts
ISBN 9780231101974 , 1995
Sociability and Power in Late-Stuart England: The Cultural Worlds of the Verneys, 1660-1720
ISBN 9780198207191 , 1999 , Susan E. Whyman
Readers, Texts and Compilers in the Earlier Middle Ages: Studies in Medieval Canon Law in Honour of Linda Fowler-Magerl
ISBN 9780754662358 , 2009 , Kathleen G. Cushing, Martin Brett
Clinical Psychology in Ireland: Empirical Studies of Problems and Treatment Processes in Children and Adolescents
ISBN 9780773473416 , 2002 , Alan Carr
History and literature in late antiquity and the early medieval West: studies in intertextuality
ISBN 9780860784951 , 1995 , Neil Wright
A new family: conversion and ecclesiology in the early Church with cross-cultural comparisons
ISBN 9783906751931 , 1994
Analysis of Engineering Design Studies for Demilitarization of Assembled Chemical Weapons at Blue Grass Army Depot
ISBN 9780309085281 , 2002 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
Impossible Choices: The Implications of the Cultural References in the Novels of Manuel Puig
ISBN 9780708311912 , 1993 , Pamela Bacarisse
Kabbalah, Magic, and Science: The Cultural Universe of a Sixteenth-Century Jewish Physician
ISBN 9780674496606 , 1988 , David B. Ruderman
From America With Love: Understanding the Cultural and Custom Differences for the New Russian Wife Living in America...
ISBN 9781412089692 , 2006 , Lucy G. Graesser, Trafford Publishing
"Peaks of Yemen I Summon": Poetry As Cultural Practice in a North Yemeni Tribe
ISBN 9780520082618 , 1993 , Steven Charles Caton
Future Arabian Gulf Energy Sources: Hydrocarbon, Nuclear or Renewable?
ISBN 9789948009894 , 2009 , m.fl.
Future Arabian Gulf Energy Sources: Hydrocarbon, Nuclear or Renewable?
ISBN 9789948009900 , 2009 , m.fl.
Studies in Iconology: Humanistic Themes in the Art of the Renaissance
ISBN 9780064300254 , 1972 , Erwin Panofsky, Gerda S. Panofsky
An Atlas for Celtic Studies: Archaeology and Names in Ancient Europe and Early Medieval Ireland, Britain, and Brittany
ISBN 9781842173091 , 2007 , John T. Koch, Raimund Karl, Simon Ó Faoláin,m.fl.
Cosmologies in the Making: A Generative Approach to Cultural Variation in Inner New Guinea
ISBN 9780521387354 , 1990 , Fredrik Barth, Meyer Fortes, Edmund Leach,m.fl.
Case Studies in Financial Control and Performance Measurement in Leisure and Recreation Management: With Suggested Answers
ISBN 9780901812780 , 2003 , D.J. Naylor
Studies in Tectonic Culture: The Poetics of Construction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture
ISBN 9780262061735 , 1995 , John Cava,m.fl.
England, Prussia and the Seven Years War: Studies in Alliance Policies and Diplomacy
ISBN 9780889464650 , 1989 , Karl W. Schweizer
An Investigation of the Theory of the Commodity and Its Application to Critical Media Studies
ISBN 9780965856409 , 1997 , Jeffrey R. Young
Africa Conflict, Peace and Governance Monitor, 2005: An Annual Publication on the State of Governance in Africa
ISBN 9789783693784 , 2005 , m.fl.
Enlightenment, Nationalism, Orthodoxy: Studies in the Culture and Political Thought of South-Eastern Europe
ISBN 9780860784432 , 1994 , Paschalis M. Kitromilides
Learning and the Marketplace: A Philosophical, Cross-Cultural (And Occasionally Irreverent) Guide for Business and Academe
ISBN 9780809320684 , 1996 , Alison Kirk