Søk: 'European Crime Fictions Scandinavian Crime Fiction'
Dialogues Across Civilizations: Sketches in World History from the Chinese and European Experiences
ISBN 9780813327365 , 1996 , Roxann Prazniak
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Part II: European Conference, ECML PKDD 2010, Athens, Greece, September 5-9, 2011, Proceedings
ISBN 9783642237829 , 2011 , Dimitrios Gunopulos, Thomas Hofmann,m.fl.
Culture and Power at the Edges of the State: National Support and Subversion in European Border Regions
ISBN 9783825875695 , 2005 , Thomas M. Wilson, Hastings Donnan
Restructuring Europe: Centre Formation, System Building, and Political Structuring Between the Nation State and the European Union
ISBN 9780199286430 , 2005 , Stefano Bartolini
A Billion Trips a Day: Tradition and Transition in European Travel Patterns
ISBN 9780792322979 , 1993 , Ilan Salomon, Piet H. L. Bovy,m.fl.
Chambers of Commerce in Britain and Germany and the Single European Market
ISBN 9780905492834 , 1993 , m.fl.
The European Union and Central and Eastern Europe: the implications of enlargement in stages
ISBN 9781840145144 , 1998 , Susan Senior Nello, Karen E. Smith
Collective Action in the European Union: Interest and the New Politics of Associability :
ISBN 9780415159753 , 1997 , Professor Justin Greenwood
In Search of European Excellence: The 10 Key Strategies of Europe's Top Companies
ISBN 9780002557856 , 1997 , Robert Heller
Media Ownership: The Economics and Politics of Convergence and Concentration in the UK and European Media
ISBN 9780761966814 , 2002 , Gillian Doyle
Anti-Drugs Policies of the European Union: Transnational Decision-Making and the Politics of Expertise
ISBN 9780333982136 , 2003 , Martin Elvins
To join or not to join: three Nordic referendums on membership in the European Union
ISBN 9788200128434 , 1998 , Anders Todal Jenssen
Valeupack:Solomon:Consumer Behavior Enhanced Media Edition:A European Perspective/Essentials of Marketing Research/Companion Website Student Access Card:Consumer Behaviour
ISBN 9781405892872 , 2007 , Michael R. Solomon, Gary J. Bamossy,m.fl.
Restructuring Europe: Centre Formation, System Building, and Political Structuring Between the Nation State and the European Union
ISBN 9780199231874 , 2007 , Stefano Bartolini
Advances in Information Retrieval: 30th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2008, Glasgow, UK, March 30 -- April 3, 2008
ISBN 9783540786450 , 2008 , Craig Macdonald, Iadh Ounis, Vassilis Plachouras,m.fl.
Advances in Artificial Life: 7th European Conference, ECAL 2003, Dortmund, Germany, September 14-17, 2003, Proceedings
ISBN 9783540200574 , 2003 , Wolfgang Banzhaf, Thomas Christaller,m.fl.
Audit of the General Budget of the European Union for 1997 and Related Developments
ISBN 9780102627992 , 1999 , Great Britain. National Audit Office
British entry to the European community under the Heath government of 1970-4
ISBN 9781855213364 , 1993 , Christopher Lord
European factor mobility: trends and consequences : proceedings of the Conference of the Confederation of European Economic Associations, University of Kent at Canterbury, 29 June-3 July 1986
ISBN 9780333459430 , 1989 , Ian Gordon, A. P. Thirlwall,m.fl.
Spatial dynamics of European integration: regional and policy issues at the turn of the century
ISBN 9783540658177 , 1999 , Manfred M. Fischer, Peter Nijkamp
Adjusting to Europe: The Impact of the European Union on National Institutions and Policies
ISBN 9780415144100 , 1996 , Yves Mény, Pierre Muller, Jean-Louis Quermonne
Absent at the creation: Britain and the formation of the European Community, 1950-2
ISBN 9781855215207 , 1996 , Christopher Lord
Environmental policy with political and economic integration: the European Union and the United States
ISBN 9781858982175 , 1996 , John B. Braden, Henk Folmer, Thomas S. Ulen
Appointing Central Bankers: The Politics of Monetary Policy in the United States and the European Monetary Union
ISBN 9780521029841 , 2006 , Kelly H. Chang, Randall Calvert,m.fl.
Administrative law of the European Union, its member states and the United States: a comparative analysis
ISBN 9789050952514 , 2002 , René Seerden,m.fl.
Studyguide for Immigration Policy and Security: U.S., European, and Commonwealth Perspectives, Vol. 1 by Terri E. Givens, ISBN 9780415990837
ISBN 9781428868519 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Appointing Central Bankers: The Politics of Monetary Policy in the United States and the European Monetary Union
ISBN 9780521823333 , 2003 , Kelly H. Chang, Randall Calvert,m.fl.
Staff Supervision in Services for Sensory Impaired Children and Adults: A European Perspective
ISBN 9780902789920 , 1994 , Chris Payne, Geoff Aplin
Power, profit, and urban land: landownership in medieval and early modern northern European towns
ISBN 9781859283417 , 1996 , Finn-Einar Eliassen, Elissen Finn-Einar,m.fl.
Fascism outside Europe: the European impulse against domestic conditions in the diffusion of global fascism
ISBN 9780880339889 , 2001 , Stein Ugelvik Larsen