Søk: 'Formal Methods Applications and Technology'
Studying Children in Context: Theories, Methods, and Ethics
ISBN 9780803972575 , 1998
Child psychiatric epidemiology: concepts, methods, and findings
ISBN 9780803939967 , 1991 , Frank C. Verhulst, Hans M. Koot
Child psychiatric epidemiology: concepts, methods, and findings
ISBN 9780803939974 , 1991 , Frank C. Verhulst, Hans M. Koot
Professional Powers: A Study of the Institutionalization of Formal Knowledge
ISBN 9780226262253 , 1988 , Eliot Freidson
Materials for engineering: concepts and applications
ISBN 9780201080650 , 1982 , Lawrence H. Van Vlack
Customer Relationship Management: Integrating Marketing Strategy and Information Technology
ISBN 9780471271376 , 2002 , William G. Zikmund, Faye W. Gilbert,m.fl.
Linear algebra and its applications: study guide
ISBN 9780201824773 , 1997 , David C. Lay
Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of Social Life
ISBN 9780804752374 , 2009 , Helen F. Nissenbaum
Qualitative Methods in Sociolinguistics
ISBN 9780195133974 , 2000 , Barbara Johnstone
Phenomenological Research Methods
ISBN 9780803957992 , 1994 , Clark Moustakas
Electronics Technology Fundamentals: Electron Flow Version
ISBN 9780135048764 , 2008 , Robert T. Paynter, B. J. Toby Boydell
Technology Ventures: From Idea to Enterprise
ISBN 9780071259231 , 2008 , Thomas H. Byers, Richard Carl Dorf
Parallel Programming: Techniques and Applications Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers
ISBN 9780131405639 , 2004 , Barry Wilkinson, C. Michael Allen
Magnetic Nanostructures in Modern Technology: Spintronics, Magnetic MEMS and Recording
ISBN 9781402063374 , 2007 , G. Asti, B. Azzerboni, L. Pareti, M. Ghidini
Organizational Stress: A Review and Critique of Theory, Research, and Applications
ISBN 9780761914815 , 2001 , Michael P. O'Driscoll, Cary P. Cooper
Cytokines in Human Health: Immunotoxicology, Pathology, and Therapeutic Applications
ISBN 9781588294678 , 2007 , Robert V. House, Jacques Descotes
Amorphous and Microcrystalline Silicon Solar Cells: Modeling, Materials and Device Technology
ISBN 9780792383178 , 1998 , Ruud E. I. Schropp Miro Zeman
Chromosomal Alterations: Methods, Results and Importance in Human Health
ISBN 9783540714132 , 2007 , Gunter Obe
An Introduction to Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology
ISBN 9780131249400 , 2005 , Christina Knusson, Ronald A. McQueen
A Dynamic Approach to Second Language Development: Methods and Techniques
ISBN 9789027219992 , 2011 , Marjolyn Verspoor, Kees De Bot, Wander Lowie,m.fl.
E-education applications: human factors and innovative approaches
ISBN 9781931777926 , 2004 , Claude Ghaoui
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: First European ...
ISBN 9783540219996 , 2004 , John Davies, Rudi Studer, Dieter Fensel,m.fl.
Human-Built World: How to Think about Technology and Culture
ISBN 9780226359335 , 2004 , Thomas P. Hughes
Financial Economics, Risk and Information: An Introduction to Methods and Models
ISBN 9789812385024 , 2003 , Marcelo Bianconi
Models, Numbers, and Cases: Methods for Studying International Relations
ISBN 9780472068616 , 2004 , Detlef F. Sprinz, Yael Wolinsky-Nahmias
An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications
ISBN 9780130305626 , 2001 , Morris L. Marx, Richard J. Larsen
Organic Chemistry: With Biological Applications
ISBN 9780495391449 , 2009 , John E McMurry
Fluid Power with Applications
ISBN 9780138149543 , 2008 , Anthony Esposito
Linear Algebra with Applications
ISBN 9780136009269 , 2008 , Otto K. Bretscher
Hacking exposed: Web applications
ISBN 9780072262995 , 2006 , Mike Shema, Joel Scambray, Caleb Sima