Søk: 'Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics'
Imaging Measurement Methods for Flow Analysis: Results of the DFG Priority Programme 1147 “Imaging Measurement Methods for Flow Analysis†2003-2009
ISBN 9783642011054 , 2009 , Wolfgang Nitsche, Christoph Dobriloff
Advanced Methods for Conducting Online Behavioral Research
ISBN 9781433806957 , 2010 , Sam Gosling, John Anthony Johnson
Physical Inorganic Chemistry: Principles, Methods, and Reactions
ISBN 9780470602515 , 2010 , A. Bakac
Investigating Statistical Concepts, Applications, And Methods
ISBN 9780495050643 , 2006 , Beth L. Chance, Allan J. Rossman
A Maple Manual for Engineering Mechanics: Statics - Computational Edition
ISBN 9780495296065 , 2007 , Daniel Balint
Bio-inspired artificial intelligence: theories, methods, and technologies
ISBN 9780262062718 , 2008 , Dario Floreano
Research Methods in the Social Sciences [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780716755197 , 2008 , David Nachmias, Chava Frankfort-Nachmias
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials: Volume II: Viscoplasticity, Damage, Fracture and Contact Mechanics
ISBN 9780792348962 , 1998
Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge about Human Nature
ISBN 9780077145644 , 2013 , Randy J. Larsen, Andreas Wismeijer
The Pursuit of History: Aims, Methods, And New Directions in the Study of Modern History
ISBN 9781405823517 , 2006 , John Tosh, Seán Lang
Engineering Mechanics Statistics Mastering Engineering SI Access CD with Ebook
ISBN 9789810683955 , 2010 , Russell C. Hibbeler
System Reliability Theory: Models and Statistical Methods
ISBN 9780470317747 , 2009 , Marvin Rausand, Arnljot Høyland
Food Studies: An Introduction to Research Methods
ISBN 9781845206819 , 2009 , Jeff Miller, Jonathan Deutsch
Qualitative research methods in human geography
ISBN 9780195550795 , 2005
Recent Advances in Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations and Applications: Proceedings of the 2001 John H. Barrett Memorial Lectures, Trends in Mathematical Physics, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tn, May 10-12, 2001
ISBN 9780821829707 , 2002 , Xiaobing Feng, Tim P. Schulze
Elementary Methods in Number Theory
ISBN 9780387989129 , 2000 , Melvyn Bernard Nathanson
Statistics: theory and methods
ISBN 9780534099428 , 1990 , Donald A. Berry, Bernard William Lindgren
Understanding African American Rhetoric: Classical Origins to Contemporary Innovations
ISBN 9780415943871 , 2003 , Elaine B. Richardson, R.L. Jackson,m.fl.
The Visual Turn: Classical Film Theory and Art History
ISBN 9780813531724 , 2003 , Angela Dalle Vacche
Qualitative Methods in Management Research
ISBN 9780761920144 , 1999
Remaking the Middle Ages: The Methods of Cinema and History in Portraying the Medieval World
ISBN 9780786446247 , 2010 , Andrew B. R. Elliott
The New Handbook of Organizational Communication: Advances in Theory, Research, and Methods
ISBN 9781412915250 , 2005 , Fredric M. Jablin, Linda L. Putnam
Statistics on the Table: The History of Statistical Concepts and Methods
ISBN 9780674009790 , 2002 , Stephen M. Stigler
Talk and Interaction in Social Research Methods
ISBN 9780761957058 , 2006 , Paul Drew
Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics SI - Study Pack
ISBN 9781405823784 , 2005 , A. Bedford
Engineering Thermofluids: Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Heat Transfer
ISBN 9783540222927 , 2005 , Mahmoud Massoud
Research Methods in Public Administration and Public Management: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415655828 , 2014 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Economic Impact of EU Membership on Entrants: New Methods and Issues
ISBN 9780792375746 , 2001 , Richard E. Baldwin, Aymo Brunetti
Storytelling in the New Hollywood: Understanding Classical Narrative Technique
ISBN 9780674839755 , 1999
Advances in Mathematical Programming and Financial Planning: Vol 6
ISBN 9780762308323 , 2001 , John B. Guerard, K.D. Lawrence, G.R. Reeves