Søk: 'Norwegian Minds, American Dreams: Ethnic Activism Among Norwegian-American Intellectuals'
Interpreting films: studies in the historical reception of American cinema
ISBN 9780691006161 , 1992 , Janet Staiger
Black Power Ideologies: An Essay in African American Political Thought
ISBN 9781566391450 , 1992 , John T. McCartney
The Evolution of Intelligent Systems: How Molecules Became Minds
ISBN 9780230252493 , 2010 , Ken Richardson
ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription
ISBN 9781609139551 , 2013 , American College of Sports Medicine
Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches
ISBN 9781412995313 , 2012 , John W. Creswell
Almost Dysfunctional: An American Academic's Search for Solace in Contemporary Russia
ISBN 9780595216543 , 2001
Clarence Major and His Art: Portraits of an African American Postmodernist
ISBN 9780807848999 , 2001
Aesthetics and gender in American literature: portraits of the woman artist
ISBN 9780838754085 , 2000 , Deborah E. Barker
America's Response to China: An Interpretative History of Sino-American Relations
ISBN 9780231119290 , 2000
The Making of American Audiences: From Stage to Television, 1750-1990
ISBN 9780521664837 , 2000 , Richard Butsch
Asian American Mental Health: Personality Patterns, Identity and Mental Health
ISBN 9780898623727 , 1994 , Laura Uba
Abortion and Dialogue: Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, and American Law
ISBN 9780253207388 , 1992 , Ruth Colker
Mobilizing Islam: Religion, Activism, and Political Change in Egypt
ISBN 9780231125734 , 2002 , Carrie Rosefsky Wickham
Chaplin and American Culture: The Evolution of a Star Image
ISBN 9780691028606 , 1991 , Charles J. Maland
An Educational War on Poverty: American and British Policy-making 1960-1980
ISBN 9780521025867 , 2006 , Harold Silver, Pamela Silver
A Special Relationship: Anglo American Relations from the Cold War to Iraq
ISBN 9781403987754 , 2006
Athens Insight Flexi Map
ISBN 9789812580016 , 2005 , American Map Corporation
Standard Handbook of Chains: Chains for Power Transmission And Materials Handling
ISBN 9780849391941 , 2005 , American Chain Association
ISBN 9781557988706 , 2005 , American Psychiatric Association
Cooperation and Competition Among Primitive Peoples
ISBN 9780765809353 , 2002 , Margaret Mead
Adolescent Sexuality in a Changing American Society: Social and Psychological Perspectives
ISBN 9780898756623 , 2002 , Catherine S. Chilman
Reconstructing the Common Good in Education: Coping With Intractable American Dilemmas
ISBN 9780804738637 , 2000 , Larry Cuban, Dorothy Shipps,m.fl.
Pluralism comes of age: American religious culture in the twentieth century
ISBN 9780765601506 , 2000
American Foreign Relations: A History, Volume 2: Since 1895: A History- Since 1895
ISBN 9780547225692 , 2009 , Thomas G. Paterson, J. Garry Clifford,m.fl.
Yours Until Death
ISBN 9781906413705 , 2010 , Gunnar Staalesen,m.fl.
Accreditation Requirements Manual of the American Association of Blood Banks
ISBN 9783805557139 , 1992 , American Association of Blood Banks,m.fl.
American film personnel and company credits, 1908-1920: filmographies reordered by authoritative organizational and personal names from Lauritzen and Lundquist's American film-index
ISBN 9780786402557 , 1996 , Paul C. Spehr, Gunnar Lundquist, Einar Lauritzen
Ethnic Violence and the Societal Security Dilemma
ISBN 9780415347877 , 2004 , Paul F. Roe
A not very American perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility: Responsibility for what?
ISBN 9788202264086 , 2007 , Frode Nyeng
Teaching with The Norton Anthology of American Literature: A Guide for Instructors
ISBN 9780393929928 , 2007 , Nina Baym, Bruce Michelson