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Understanding the Consumer: A European Perspective
ISBN 9780136163688 , 2000 , Bernard Dubois
Comparative Evaluations of Innovative Fisheries Management: Global Experiences and European Prospects
ISBN 9789048126620 , 2009
The Formation Of A Persecuting Society: Power And Deviance In Western Europe, 950-1250
ISBN 9780631171454 , 2001 , R. I. Moore
A Centripetal Theory of Democratic Governance
ISBN 9780521710152 , 2008 , John Gerring, Strom C. Thacker
A Centripetal Theory of Democratic Governance
ISBN 9780521883948 , 2008 , John Gerring, Strom C. Thacker
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Pack
ISBN 9789604032303 , 2000 , Donald Domonkos
The Economics of Industrial Society
ISBN 9780521318235 , 1985 , Michio Morishima
The West European Party System
ISBN 9780198275831 , 1990
Geology and the Environment
ISBN 9780538737562 , 2010 , Dee Trent, Paul Bierman
Law and the Internet
ISBN 9781841138152 , 2009 , Lilian Edwards, Charlotte Waelde, Tobias Bednarz,m.fl.
Challenges and Opportunities for Service Delivery in a Culturally Diverse Society
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Beyond the Subtitle: Remapping European Art Cinema
ISBN 9780816640362 , 2009
European Societies in the Bronze Age
ISBN 9780521367295 , 2000 , Norman Yoffee, A.F. Harding, John Coles,m.fl.
Children and Their Changing Media Environment: A European Comparative Study
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The End of History and the Last Man
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The Assembly of Listeners: Jains in Society
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European Integration After Amsterdam: Institutional Dynamics and Prospects for Democracy
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European integration after Amsterdam: institutional dynamics and prospects for democracy
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Political risk and the multinational company: concepts, theories and evidence
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Engaging With Irigaray: Feminist Philosophy and Modern European Thought
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Non-Governmental Organizations in World Politics: The Construction of Global Governance
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Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective
ISBN 9780273772729 , 2013 , Michael R. Solomon, Soren Askegaard,m.fl.
A Blockaded Family - Life in Southern Alabama During the Civil War
ISBN 9781406796452 , 2006 , Antoinette Hague Parthenia
A History of the Modern Fact: Problems of Knowledge in the Sciences of Wealth and Society
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Democracy and Enlargement in Post-Communist Europe: The Democratisation of the General Public in 15 Central and Eastern European Countries, 1991-1998
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Culture, Institutions And Economic Development: A Study Of Eight European Regions
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Climate and the Oceans
ISBN 9780691150284 , 2011
Economics: European Edition
ISBN 9780716799566 , 2007 , Paul R. Krugman, Robin Wells, Kathryn Graddy
Population and Nutrition: An Essay on European Demographic History
ISBN 9780521368711 , 1991 , Massimo Livi Bacci
Power and Plenty: Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium
ISBN 9780691143279 , 2009