Søk: 'Twentieth-Century America'
A Multipolar Peace?: Great-Power Politics in the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780333618516 , 1994 , Charles W. Kegley, Gregory A. Raymond
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight (Sybex Official Strategies and Secretssmall /Small )
ISBN 9780782142372 , 2003 , Doug Radcliffe, Andy Mahood
The Letters of Johann Martin Boltzius, Lutheran Pastor in Ebenezer, Georgia: German Pietism in Colonial America, 1733-1765
ISBN 9780773447592 , 2009 , Russell C. Kleckley, Johann Martin Boltzius,m.fl.
Educating Citizens for Global Awareness
ISBN 9780807745342 , 2005 , Nel Noddings,m.fl.
Absolutely Pietist: patronage, factionalism, and state-building in the early eighteenth-century Prussian army chaplaincy
ISBN 9783484840164 , 2005 , Benjamin Marschke
Environmental problems in an urbanizing world: finding solutions for cities in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
ISBN 9781853837197 , 2001 , Jorge Enrique Hardoy, Diana Mitlin,m.fl.
The Stakes: America and the Middle East : the Consequences of Power and the Choice for Peace
ISBN 9780813340784 , 2003 , Shibley Telhami
African-British writings in the eighteenth century: the politics of race and reason
ISBN 9780313306808 , 1999 , Helena Woodard
Behind Inverted Commas: Translations and Anglo-German Cultural Relations in the Nineteenth Century
ISBN 9781853593758 , 1999
Imagining Inclusive Society in Nineteenth-Century Novels: The Code of Sincerity in the Public Sphere
ISBN 9780801879111 , 2004 , Pam Morris
Comparative Youth Culture: The Sociology of Youth Cultures and Youth Subcultures in America, Britain and Canada
ISBN 9780203408940 , 2002 , Mike Brake
Annual Bulletin of Housing and Building Statistics for Europe and North America: 1993
ISBN 9789210162975 , 1995 , Economic Commission for Europe
Literati and Self-Representation: Autobiographical Sensibility in the Eighteenth-Century Chinese Novel
ISBN 9780804724623 , 1995 , Martin W. Huang
Constructing democratic governance: Latin America and the Caribbean in the 1990s : themes and issues
ISBN 9780801853869 , 1996 , Jorge I. Domínguez, Abraham F. Lowenthal
Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe
ISBN 9780801851575 , 1996 , Juan José Linz, Alfred C. Stepan
America As a Military Power, 1775-1865: From the American Revolution to the Civil War
ISBN 9780275977061 , 2002 , Jeremy Black
The Return of the Real: The Avant-Garde at the End of the Century
ISBN 9780262561075 , 1996
Word order in 17th century English: a study of the stabilisation of the XSV pattern
ISBN 9788270993772 , 2003 , Bjørg Bækken
Annual Bulletin of Housing and Building Statistics for Europe and North America: 1992
ISBN 9789210162777 , 1994 , Economic Commission for Europe
American higher education in the twenty-first century: social, political, and economic challenges
ISBN 9780801858888 , 1999 , Patricia J. Gumport
Pinpointing Affluence in the 21st Century: Increasing Your Share of Major Donor Dollars
ISBN 9781566251655 , 2001 , Judith E. Nichols
Waiting for the Barbarians: A Novel (Penguin Great Books of the 20th Century)
ISBN 9780140283358 , 1999 , J. M Coetzee
Wilson's ghost: reducing the risk of conflict, killing, and catastrophe in the 21st century
ISBN 9781891620898 , 2001 , James G. Blight, Robert S. McNamara
Three generations, two genders, one world: women and men in a changing century
ISBN 9781856496032 , 1998 , Sylvia H. Chant, Cathy McIlwaine
Three Generations, Two Genders, One World: Women and Men in a Changing Century
ISBN 9781856496049 , 1998 , Sylvia H. Chant, Cathy McIlwaine
The Future of the Parish System: Shaping the Church of England for the Twenty-first Century
ISBN 9780715140345 , 2006 , Grace Davie, Graham Cray, John Rees, Ann Morisy,m.fl.
Teaching As Leadership: The Highly Effective Teacher's Guide to Closing the Achievement Gap
ISBN 9780470432860 , 2010 , Teach for America, Steven Farr, Wendy Kopp,m.fl.
Ancient Monuments and Modern Identities: The History of Archaeology in 19th- and 20th-century Greece
ISBN 9780754652892 , 2006 , D. Voutsaki
A Social History of Truth: Civility and Science in Seventeenth-Century England
ISBN 9780226750187 , 1994 , Steven Shapin
Dark Dreams 2.0: A Psychological History of the Modern Horror Film from the 1950s to the 21st Century
ISBN 9780786433971 , 2009 , Charles Derry