Søk: '16.utgave'
Disippelliv: Kristusetterfølgelse i lys av Filipperbrevet : studiebok med 16 leksjoner om disippelskap
ISBN 9788253145273 , 2000 , Lars Råmunddal
Lov om håndverkertjenester m.m. for forbrukere av 16. juni 1989 nr. 63
ISBN 9788202207427 , 2000
Self-Organizing Systems: 6th IFIP TC 6 International Workshop, IWSOS 2012, Delft, The Netherlands, March 15-16, 2012, Proceedings
ISBN 9783642285820 , 2012
Anarchist Studies 16/01 May 2008: OPen Form and the Abstract Imperative: Herbert Read and Cont
ISBN 9781905007776 , 2008 , Ruth Kinna, Lawrence & Wishart, Limited
Hvem er du?; 16 grunnleggende behov som styrer dine handlinger og avgjør din personlighet
ISBN 9788204093127 , 2004 , Benedicta Windt, Steven Reiss
Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing: 10th International Workshop, CASC 2007, Bonn, Germany, September 16-20, 2007, Proceedings
ISBN 9783540751861 , 2007 , Ernst Mayr, Victor Grigor?evich Ganzha,m.fl.
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Transactions of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference--CEC, Chattanooga, Tennessee, 16-20 July 2007
ISBN 9780735405042 , 2008 , Michael DiPirro, J.Patrick Kelley, Peter Kittel,m.fl.
Abstract State Machines, B and Z: First International Conference, ABZ 2008, London, UK, September 16-18, 2008. Proceedings
ISBN 9783540876021 , 2008 , Egon Borger, Michael Butler, Jonathan P. Bowen,m.fl.
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming -- CP 2011: 17th International Conference, CP 2011, Perugia, Italy, September 12-16, 2011, Proceedings
ISBN 9783642237850 , 2011 , Jimmy Lee
Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing: 8th International Workshop, CASC 2005, Kalamata, Greece, September 12-16, 2005, Proceedings
ISBN 9783540289661 , 2005 , Ernst W. Mayr, Victor Grigor?evich Ganzha,m.fl.
Filologi og hermeneutikk: bidrag til ein konferanse halden av Nordisk Nettverk for Edisjonsfilologar, 16.-18. september 2005
ISBN 9788256015764 , 2007 , Odd Einar Haugen, Christian Janss, Tone Modalsli
Griffenfeld - 300 år etter: rapport frå eit seminar i Trondheim 16.-17. april 1999
ISBN 9788251915304 , 1999 , Jan Ragnar Hagland, Harald Nissen,m.fl.
Oppdragelseskunstens andelig-sjelelige grunnkrefter: ni foredrag, holdt i Oxford, 16.-25. august 1922
ISBN 9788290059328 , 1986 , Rudolf Steiner
Care and Support for Young Separated Refugees Aged 16 and 17 in Germany and the United Kingdom
ISBN 9781861780713 , 2005 , Karen Lyons, Brian Littlechild, Nathalie Huegler
Applied Cryptography and Network Security: First International Conference, ACNS 2003. Kunming, China, October 16-19, 2003, Proceedings
ISBN 9783540202080 , 2003 , Moti Yung, Jianying Zhou, Yongfei Han
Image Understanding Workshop: proceedings of a workshop held in Monterey, California, November 13-16, 1994
ISBN 9781558603387 , 1995 , Advanced Research Projects Agency
The New Dolls' House Do-It-Yourself Book: In 1/12 and 1/16 Scale
ISBN 9780715306161 , 1997 , Martin Dodge, Venus Dodge
Image processing: algorithms and systems, neural networks, and machine learning : 16-18 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA
ISBN 9780819461049 , 2006 , Edward R. Dougherty
Lov om erverv av vannfall, bergverk og annen fast eiendom m.v (Industrikonsesjonsloven) (Lov av 14.12.1917 nr. 16)
ISBN 9788205316829 , 2003 , Mona Søyland
Lov om erverv av vannfall, bergverk og annen fast eiendom m.v. av 14. desember 1917 nr. 16
ISBN 9788202207816 , 2001
Algebraic and Logic Programming: 4th International Conference, ALP '94, Madrid, Spain, September 14-16, 1994. Proceedings
ISBN 9783540584315 , 1994
Multimodality: Text, Culture and Use : Proceedings from the 2nd International Conference on Multimodality May 14-16, 2004, Kristiansand, Norway
ISBN 9788276345742 , 2005 , Maj Asplund Carlsson, Anne Løvland
Identity and Privacy in the Internet Age: 14th Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems, NordSec 2009, Oslo, Norway, 14-16 October 2009, Proceedings
ISBN 9783642047657 , 2009 , Audun Josang, Torleiv Maseng,m.fl.
Danning og personlighetsutvikling i lærerutdanning og læreryrke: antologi tilegnet professor Trygve Bergem på 70-årsdagen 16. november 2008
ISBN 9788205380592 , 2008 , David Keeping, Svein Rise, Bjarne Kvam,m.fl.
Proceedings of the 1985 Cryogenic Engineering Conference: Held August 12-16, 1985, in Cambridge, Massachusetts]
ISBN 9780306422911 , 1986 , R. W. Fast, K D Timmerhaus, A F Clark
Advances in Digital Forensics: IFIP International Conference on Digital Forensics, National Center for Forensic Science, Orlando, Florida, February 13-16, 2005
ISBN 9780387300122 , 2005 , Mark Pollitt, Sujeet Shenoi
Algorithms in modern mathematics and computer science: proceedings, Urgench, Uzbek SSR, September 16-22, 1979
ISBN 9783540111573 , 1981 , Donald Ervin Knuth, Andrei Petrovich Ershov,m.fl.
Artificial Neural Networks in Medicine and Biology: Proceedings of the ANNIMAB-1 Conference, Goteborg, Sweden, 13-16 May 2000
ISBN 9781852332891 , 2000 , Helge Malmgren, Magnus Borga, Lars F. Niklasson
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation - Gecco 2003: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Chicago, Il, USA, July 12-16, 2003, Proceedings, P
ISBN 9783540406037 , 2003 , Rajkumar Roy, Erick Cantu-Paz, Stewart Wilson,m.fl.
Lov om folketrygd (folketrygdloven) av 28. februar 1997 nr. 19; med endringer, sist ved lov av 16. desember 2011 nr. 59 (i kraft 1. februar 2012) og historiske noter
ISBN 9788202387631 , 2012