Søk: '1900-1945'
Europeisk litteraturteori: fra antikken til 1900
ISBN 9788200184218 , 1987 , Atle Kittang, Asbjørn Aarseth, Eiliv Eide
Modern Architecture, 1851-1945
ISBN 9780847805075 , 1984 , Yukio Futagawa
The International Economy Since 1945
ISBN 9780415140676 , 1997 , Sidney Pollard
Islamic revival in British India: Deoband, 1860-1900
ISBN 9780195660494 , 2005 , Barbara Daly Metcalf
En splintret stat: regjeringskontorene, 1940-1945
ISBN 9788215005706 , 2004 , Ole Kolsrud
Europe Since 1945: A Concise History
ISBN 9781403917904 , 2006 , J.Robert Wegs, Robert Ladrech
Enveiskjøring ; Barndom i Berlin - rundt 1900
ISBN 9788203180026 , 2000 , Walter Benjamin
Arbeiderpartiet og planstyret 1945-1965
ISBN 9788200216582 , 1993 , Trond Nordby
1900-1910; nye måter å se på
ISBN 9788251782852 , 2002 , Jackie Gaff, Øystein Rosse
European Dictatorships 1918-1945: Second Edition
ISBN 9780415230469 , 2000 , 2. utgave , Stephen J. Lee
Bilder av den gode oppveksten gjennom 1900-tallet
ISBN 9788270994076 , 2005 , Kari Telste
A Companion to Post-1945 America
ISBN 9780631223252 , 2002 , Jean-Christophe Agnew, Roy Rosenzweig
Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1945-51
ISBN 9780203393130 , 2004 , Alan S. Milward
En historie om klatring i Norge: 1900-2000
ISBN 9788241903083 , 2004 , Geir Grimeland
A History of Fascism: 1914-1945
ISBN 9781857285956 , 1996 , Stanley G. Payne
Latin America: Development and Conflict Since 1945
ISBN 9780415318228 , 2004 , John Ward
Berliner gramophone records: American issues, 1892-1900
ISBN 9780313292170 , 1995
Tingenes århundre: 1900-2000 : tiden, stilen, smaken
ISBN 9788205301658 , 2003 , Gunvor Øverland Bergan, Trinelise Dysthe
Gitarkompbok 3: populærmusikk 1900-1949 for fingerspillgitar
ISBN 9788273890535 , 2003 , Tore Morten Andreassen, Karsten Andersen
Postwar: a history of europe science 1945
ISBN 9780143037750 , 2006 , Tony Judt
Art in Theory 1900 - 2000: An Anthology of Changing Ideas
ISBN 9780631227083 , 2002 , Charles Harrison, Paul J. Wood
Krig og okkupasjon 1939-1945
ISBN 9788252134902 , 1990 , Magne Skodvin
The Shock of the Old: Technology and Global History Since 1900
ISBN 9781861973061 , 2008 , David Edgerton
The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Design Since 1900
ISBN 9780500203798 , 2004
Introduction to Design and Culture: 1900 To the Present
ISBN 9780415263368 , 2004 , Professor Penny Sparke
The Norwegian Intelligence Service: 1945-1970
ISBN 9780714644554 , 1999 , Olav Riste
Conflicts in the Middle East Since 1945
ISBN 9780415440165 , 2007 , Peter Hinchcliffe
A History of Christianity in Asia: 1500 to 1900
ISBN 9781570757013 , 2007 , Samuel Hugh Moffett
China’s Christian Colleges: Cross-Cultural Connections, 1900-1950
ISBN 9780804759489 , 2009 , Daniel H. Bays, Ellen Widmer
China’s Christian Colleges: Cross-Cultural Connections, 1900-1950
ISBN 9780804759496 , 2009 , Daniel H. Bays, Ellen Widmer