Søk: 'A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy: Foundations and Prospects'
A Companion to Theoretical Econometrics
ISBN 9781405106764 , 2003 , Badi H. Baltagi
An Approach to Political Philosophy: Locke in Contexts
ISBN 9780521436380 , 1993 , James Tully, Quentin Skinner, Lorraine Daston,m.fl.
A Companion to Stuart Britain
ISBN 9780631218746 , 2003 , Barry Coward
A Companion to Business Ethics
ISBN 9781405101028 , 2002 , Robert Frederick
A Companion to Economic Forecasting
ISBN 9780631215691 , 2002 , Michael P. Clements, David F. Hendry
An Approach to Political Philosophy: Locke in Contexts
ISBN 9780521430609 , 1993 , James Tully, Quentin Skinner
Philosophy of Art: Contemporary Introduction
ISBN 9780415159647 , 1999 , Noël Carroll
Contemporary Political Theorists in Context
ISBN 9780415357289 , 2009 , Stuart Isaacs, Chris Sparks, Tony Clohesy,m.fl.
Contemporary Political Theorists in Context
ISBN 9780415357296 , 2009 , Stuart Isaacs, Chris Sparks, Tony Clohesy,m.fl.
A Companion to Vergil's Aeneid and Its Tradition
ISBN 9781405175777 , 2010 , Joseph Farrell, Michael C. J. Putnam
A Companion to Vergil's Aeneid and Its Tradition
ISBN 9781405197298 , 2010 , Joseph Farrell
Freedom, anarchy, and the law: an introduction to political philosophy
ISBN 9780879751760 , 1982 , Richard Taylor
A Historical Introduction to Philosophy
ISBN 9780131900059 , 2005 , Chris Barker, Ingrid Freebairn, Albert B. Hakim
Contemporary Political Ideologies, International Edition
ISBN 9780495571070 , 2008 , Lyman Tower Sargent
A Companion to World Philosophies
ISBN 9780631213277 , 1999 , Eliot Deutsch, Ron Bontekoe
A Companion to Business Ethics
ISBN 9780631201304 , 1999 , Robert Frederick
A Theologico-political Treatise: And, A Political Treatise
ISBN 9780486437224 , 2004
A Companion to Carmen Martin Gaite
ISBN 9781855661776 , 2008 , Catherine O'Leary, Alison Ribeiro de Menezes
The Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings
ISBN 9780195145816 , 2002 , David John Chalmers
A Companion to Western Historical Thought
ISBN 9781405149617 , 2006 , Lloyd S. Kramer, Sarah C. Maza
Condorcet: foundations of social choice and political theory
ISBN 9781858980683 , 1994 , m.fl.
A Friendly Companion to Plato's Gorgias
ISBN 9780809314041 , 2006 , George Kimball Plochmann,m.fl.
Contemporary Political Ideologies: Second Edition
ISBN 9780826451736 , 1999 , 2. utgave , Roger Eatwell, Anthony Wright
"Privilege and Liberty" and Other Essays in Political Philosophy
ISBN 9780739100776 , 1999 , Aurel Kolnai, Daniel J. Mahoney, Pierre Manent
Prospects; literature and civilization
ISBN 9788203330223 , 2003 , Eva Haugum, Annabelle Despard, Elisabeth Ibsen,m.fl.
Acton Collection Class 48: Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Economics, Law
ISBN 9781116155570 , 2009 , . Anonymous, Cambridge University Library
Acton Collection Class 48: Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Economics, Law
ISBN 9781116155549 , 2009 , . Anonymous, Cambridge University Library
Acton Collection Class 48: Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Economics, Law
ISBN 9781116155556 , 2009 , . Anonymous, Cambridge University Library
Acton Collection Class 48: Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Economics, Law
ISBN 9781116155563 , 2009 , . Anonymous, Cambridge University Library
Contemporary Debates in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art
ISBN 9781405102407 , 2005 , Matthew Kieran