Søk: 'A Companion to the Iliad: Based on the Translation by Richmond Lattimore'
A Companion to Hellenistic Literature
ISBN 9781405136792 , 2010 , Martine Cuypers, James Joseph Clauss
The Routledge Companion to Critical Theory
ISBN 9780415332958 , 2006 , Simon Malpas, Paul Wake
The Cambridge Companion to New Religious Movements
ISBN 9780521145657 , 2012 , Mikael Rothstein, Olav Hammer
A Companion to Alfred Hitchcock
ISBN 9781444397321 , 2012 , Thomas M. Leitch, Leland A. Poague
In others words: a coursebook on translation
ISBN 9780415030854 , 1992 , Mona Baker
The Cambridge Companion to the Fin De Siecle
ISBN 9780521615617 , 2007 , Gail Marshall
The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction
ISBN 9780521016575 , 2003 , Farah Mendlesohn, Edward James
The Norton Shakespeare Based on the Oxford Edition (Cloth)
ISBN 9780393970876 , 1997 , William Shakespeare, Stephen Greenblatt,m.fl.
A Tempest: Based on Shakespeare's The Tempest, Adaptation for a Black Theatre
ISBN 9781559362108 , 2002 , William Shakespeare, Aim e C esaire,m.fl.
A Companion to Alfred Hitchcock
ISBN 9781405185387 , 2011 , Thomas Leitch, Leland Poague
A Companion to Greek Mythology
ISBN 9781444396942 , 2011 , Ken Dowden, Niall Livingstone
A Companion to Late Antiquity
ISBN 9781405119801 , 2009 , Philip Rousseau
A Companion to Sensation Fiction
ISBN 9781405195584 , 2011 , Pamela K. Gilbert
The Cambridge Companion to Henry Fielding
ISBN 9780521670920 , 2007 , Claude Rawson
A Companion to Film Theory
ISBN 9780470998403 , 2008 , Toby Miller, Robert Stam
Translation: The Interpretive Model
ISBN 9781900650618 , 2003 , Marianne Lederer, Nino Larche
The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy
ISBN 9780521423519 , 1997 , P. E. Easterling
The Cambridge Companion to Gothic Fiction
ISBN 9780521794664 , 2002 , Jerrold E. Hogle
A Companion to Latin Literature
ISBN 9781405161312 , 2006 , Stephen Harrison
A Companion to Film Theory
ISBN 9780631206453 , 2004 , Toby Miller, Robert Stam
The Elgar Companion to Development Studies
ISBN 9781843764755 , 2006 , David Alexander Clark
A Companion to Biological Anthropology
ISBN 9781405189002 , 2010 , Clark Spencer Larsen
A Companion to Hellenistic Literature
ISBN 9781405197335 , 2010 , James J. Clauss, Martine Cuypers
A Companion to Cultural Geography
ISBN 9781405175654 , 2007 , James Duncan, Nuala Johnson, Richard H. Schein
An Introduction to Latin Textual Emendation: Based on the Text of Plautus
ISBN 9781103835553 , 2009 , Wallace Martin Lindsay
An Introduction to Latin Textual Emendation: Based on the Text of Plautus
ISBN 9781103835638 , 2009 , Wallace Martin Lindsay
Learning to Teach in the Secondary School: A Companion to School Experience
ISBN 9780415478724 , 2009 , Susan Capel, Marilyn Leask, Tony Turner
The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film
ISBN 9780415493949 , 2011 , Paisley Livingston, Carl R. Plantinga
The Routledge Companion to the Study of Religion
ISBN 9780415333115 , 2005 , John R. Hinnells
The Routledge Companion to Russian Literature
ISBN 9780203193877 , 2002 , Neil Cornwell