Søk: 'A Course in Linear Algebra with Applications'
Elementary Linear Algebra
ISBN 9781844793778 , 1988
Elementary Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780132582452 , 1988 , C.H. Edwards, David E. Penny,m.fl.
Elementary Linear Algebra: A Matrix Approach
ISBN 9780131580343 , 2007 , Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel,m.fl.
Elementary Linear Algebra: A Matrix Approach
ISBN 9780131871410 , 2007 , Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel,m.fl.
Introduction to Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780980232714 , 2009 , Gilbert Strang
Wiley Plus Stand-alone to Accompany Elementary Linear Algebra With Applications Pass Code
ISBN 9780470075364 , 2007 , Wiley Pub.
Wiley Plus/web Ct Stand-alone to Accompany Elementary Linear Algebra With Applications
ISBN 9780470078433 , 2007
A Basis for Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780471104612 , 1973 , Warren Brisley
Elementary Linear Algebra
ISBN 9781560722922 , 1996 , Margaret Kleinfeld, Erwin Kleinfeld
Elementary Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780132582605 , 1987 , David E. Penney, Charles Henry Edwards
Elementary Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780534951900 , 1995 , Stewart Venit, Wayne Bishop
Elementary Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780030973543 , 1994 , Stanley I. Grossman
Elementary linear algebra
ISBN 9780471306221 , 1994
Linear Applications
ISBN 9780471015239 , 1994 , Rorres
EGrade Plus Stand--alone Access for Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications 9th Edition
ISBN 9780471753162 , 2005 , 9. utgave
Elementary Linear Algebra 9th Edition with Applications and Egrade Plus 1 Term Set
ISBN 9780471753841 , 2005 , 9. utgave
Elementary Linear Algebra 9th Edition with Applications and Egrade Plus 1 Term Set
ISBN 9780471759423 , 2005 , 9. utgave
Abstract Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780387972633 , 1990 , Morton Landers Curtis
A Course in Phonetics [With CDROM]
ISBN 9781413006889 , 2006 , Peter Ladefoged
Elementary Linear Algebra: A Matrix Approach
ISBN 9780137167227 , 2000 , Arnold J. Insel, Lawrence E. Spence,m.fl.
Elementary Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780471098904 , 1984
Elementary Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780471805342 , 1984
Generalized Linear Models: with Applications in Engineering and the Sciences
ISBN 9780470454633 , 2010 , Douglas C. Montgomery, Raymond H. Myers,m.fl.
Elementary Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780471023982 , 1977
Elementary Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780471032472 , 1973
3,000 Solved Problems in Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780070380233 , 1988 , Seymour Lipschutz
Instructor's Solutions Manual to Accompany Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version
ISBN 9780470458235 , 2010
Linear Algebra 4Th Ed.
ISBN 9788120326064 , 2003 , 4. utgave , Stephen H. Friedberg
Instructor's solutions manual for Strang's Linear algebra and its applications
ISBN 9780030105685 , 2006 , Gilbert Strang, Brett Coonley
Introduction to Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780961408893 , 2003 , Gilbert Strang