Søk: 'Advanced Calculus and Its Applications to the Engineering and Physical Sciences'
An Introduction to Statistical Inference and Its Applications with R
ISBN 9781584889472 , 2009 , Michael W. Trosset
Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering
ISBN 9780071198783 , 2003 , Giorgio Rizzoni
Problems and Solutions in Introductory and Advanced Matrix Calculus
ISBN 9789812569165 , 2006
Advances in Discrete Tomography and Its Applications
ISBN 9780817636142 , 2007 , Gabor T. Herman, Attila Kuba
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences: Foundations and Applications
ISBN 9780472084722 , 1997 , L. Douglas Kiel, Euel W. Elliott
Calculus Know-It-ALL: Beginner to Advanced, and Everything in Between
ISBN 9780071549318 , 2008 , Stan Gibilisco
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
ISBN 9780230275485 , 2011 , Dexter J. Booth, K. A. Stroud
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences: Foundations and Applications
ISBN 9780472106387 , 1996 , L. Douglas Kiel, Euel W. Elliott
Student's Solutions Guide to accompany Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications
ISBN 9780073107790 , 2006 , Kenneth Rosen
Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering
ISBN 9780130869739 , 2001 , Anil K. Chopra
Problems and Solutions in Introductory and Advanced Matrix Calculus
ISBN 9789812702029 , 2006
Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering
ISBN 9780073220338 , 2006 , Giorgio Rizzoni
Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering
ISBN 9780071254441 , 2006 , Giorgio Rizzoni, George Rizzoni
Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering
ISBN 9780071184526 , 2000 , Giorgio Rizzoni
Student Solutions Manual for Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications
ISBN 9780321694027 , 2011 , Morris L. Marx, Richard J. Larsen
Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications: International Edition
ISBN 9780132066921 , 2008 , Allan R. Hambley
Applied Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences, Expanded Edition
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Engineering in Time: The Systematics of Engineering History and Its Contemporary Context
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Advanced Engineering Mathematics
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Advanced Linear Models: Theory and Applications
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Calculus: Multi-variable calculus and linear algebra, with applications to differential equations and probability
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Advanced Manufacturing Technology for Medical Applications: Reverse Engineering, Software Conversion and Rapid Prototyping
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Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering
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Linear algebra and its applications: Study guide
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Advanced Engineering Mathematics
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Advanced engineering mathematics
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Student solutions manual: An introduction to mathematical statistics and its applications
ISBN 9780131867963 , 2006 , Morris L. Marx, Richard J. Larsen
An Introduction to Physical Geography and the Environment
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Computed Tomography: Physical Principles, Clinical Applications, and Quality Control
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Advanced Engineering Mathematics
ISBN 9780471488859 , 2005 , Erwin Kreyszig