Søk: 'Airport Operations 3/E'
Optimization in Operations Research
ISBN 9780023984150 , 1997 , Ronald L. Rardin
ISBN 9788205329393 , 2003 , Sven Iver Steen, Erlend Bakken
Hotel Housekeeping: Operations and Management
ISBN 9780195684315 , 2007 , Smritee Raghu balan G Raghubalan
Operations Management for Competitive Advantage
ISBN 9780071215558 , 2004 , Nicholas J. Aquilano, Richard B. Chase,m.fl.
Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains
ISBN 9780132458917 , 2009 , Lee J. Krajewski, Larry P. Ritzman,m.fl.
Ex.phil. på 1-2-3
ISBN 9788205390829 , 2011 , Finn Eivind Jor
Clinical Neurology 8/E
ISBN 9780071759052 , 2012 , 8. utgave
Core Concepts of Operations Management
ISBN 9780471466048 , 2003 , Gregory P. White, Mark A. Vonderembse
MOF 4.0 (Microsoft Operations Framework 4.0)
ISBN 9789087532864 , 2008 , David Pultorak, Clare Henry, Paul Leenards
L'italiano e l'Italia: lingua e civiltà italiana per stranieri
ISBN 9788855701518 , 2008 , Marcello Silvestrini
Cio Che E Vivo E Cio Che E Morto Della Filosofia Di Hegel
ISBN 9781110014958 , 2009
Mechanics Of Materials SI 8/E
ISBN 9789810685096 , 2010 , 8. utgave , Russell C. Hibbeler, S. C. Fan
E-business and E-commerce Management: Strategy, Implementation and Practice
ISBN 9780273719601 , 2010 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
ISBN 9788759308349 , 2000 , Michael Chabert, Thea Vesterby
ISBN 9788202198367 , 2000
International Business: Environments and Operations
ISBN 9780131217263 , 2004 , Daniel P. Sullivan, John Day Daniels,m.fl.
Introduction to Operations Research
ISBN 9780894645761 , 1988 , Joseph G. Ecker, Michael Kupferschmid
Signatur 3: tekstsamling
ISBN 9788252171334 , 2008 , Sigrun Wergeland, Åse Lill Kimestad,m.fl.
Grammatica e comunicazione: tavole sinottiche dell'italiano LS e L2
ISBN 9788877158703 , 2008 , Angelo Chiuchiù, Gaia Chiuchiù
Grunnleggende sykepleie 3: pasientfenomener og livsutfordringer
ISBN 9788205400085 , 2011 , Nina Jahren Kristoffersen, Finn Nortvedt,m.fl.
E-business and E-commerce Management: Strategy, Implementation and Practice
ISBN 9780273707523 , 2007 , Dave Chaffey
Grethes hus 3: øvelseshefte 3 av 6
ISBN 9788282410076 , 2010 , Ingolf Sundfør, Grethe Høeg Gaudernack
Medievitenskap: bind 3
ISBN 9788245005936 , 2009 , Anders Johansen, Martin Eide, Barbara Gentikow
Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms
ISBN 9780534423629 , 2003 , Wayne L. Winston
Operations Management Plus MyOMLab Access Card
ISBN 9781408258309 , 2010 , Lee J. Krajewski, Larry P. Ritzman,m.fl.
Operations Research: A Practical Introduction
ISBN 9780849322563 , 2000 , Michael W. Carter, Camille C. Price
A Modern Approach to Operations Management
ISBN 9788122416275 , 2007 , Ram Naresh Roy
Matching Supply with Demand: An Introduction to Operations Management
ISBN 9780071326223 , 2012 , Christian Terwiesch, Grard Cachon
Signatur 3; studiebok
ISBN 9788211015884
Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords 3/E: How to Access 100 Million People in 10 Minutes
ISBN 9781599184418 , 2012 , 3. utgave , Perry Marshall, Bryan Todd