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Event history analysis: regression for longitudinal event data
ISBN 9780803920552 , 1985 , Paul David Allison
Phonetic Data Analysis: An Introduction to Fieldwork and Instrumental Techniques
ISBN 9780631232704 , 2003 , Peter Ladefoged
Applications in Multi-criteria Decision Making, Data Envelopment Analysis, and Finance
ISBN 9780857244697 , 2010 , Kenneth D. Lawrence, Gary Kleinman
Foundations of Analysis
ISBN 9780486462967 , 2008 , David French Belding, Kevin J. Mitchell
Co-Integration, Error Correction, and the Econometric Analysis of Non-Stationary Data
ISBN 9780198288107 , 1993 , David F. Hendry
Cartography: Visualization of Spatial Data
ISBN 9780273722793 , 2009 , Menno-Jan Kraak, Ferjan Ormeling
Interpreting Qualitative Data
ISBN 9781446252710 , 2011 , David Silverman
Computer programs for qualitative data analysis: a software sourcebook
ISBN 9780803955363 , 1995 , Matthew B. Miles, Eben A. Weitzman
Computer programs for qualitative data analysis: a software sourcebook
ISBN 9780803955370 , 1995 , Matthew B. Miles, Eben A. Weitzman
Computer-Aided Qualitative Data Analysis: Theory, Methods and Practice
ISBN 9780803977617 , 1995 , Udo Kelle, Gerald Prein, Katherine Bird
The economics of human capital: a theoretical analysis illustrated empirically by Norwegian data
ISBN 9788200451617 , 1999 , Lars Nerdrum
Making Sense of Data and Statistics in Psychology
ISBN 9780230205741 , 2011 , Gerry Mulhern, Brian Greer
Cartography: Visualization of Spatial Data
ISBN 9780130888907 , 2003 , Menno-Jan Kraak, Ferjan Ormeling
Introduction to Causal Analysis. Exploring Survey Data by Crosstabulation
ISBN 9788200026587 , 1988 , Ottar Hellevik
Adapted Intl Stdt Ed-Mathematical Stat and Data Analysis W/Cd
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Computer-aided qualitative data analysis: theory, methods and practice
ISBN 9780803977600 , 1995 , Udo Kelle, Gerald Prein, Katherine Bird
Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis With C++
ISBN 9780314045744 , 1995 , George J. Pothering, Thomas L. Naps
Beyond Significance Testing: Reforming Data Analysis Methods in Behavioral Research
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Longitudinal and Panel Data: Analysis and Applications in the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780521535380 , 2004 , Edward W. Frees
Analyzing qualitative data: log-linear analysis for behavioral research
ISBN 9780275934460 , 1992 , John J. Kennedy
Solutions Manual and Supplementary Materials for Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data:
ISBN 9780262232333 , 2003 , JEFFREY M AUTOR WOOLDRIDGE
Practical Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis (C++ Edition)
ISBN 9780130284464 , 2001 , Clifford A. Shaffer
Phonetic Data Analysis: An Introduction to Fieldwork and Instrumental Techniques
ISBN 9780631232698 , 2003 , Peter Ladefoged
Studyguide for Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology by Davis, John C., ISBN 9780471172758
ISBN 9780471172758 , 2014 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Interpretation of Three-Dimensional Seismic Data
ISBN 9780891813743 , 2011 , Alistair R. Brown
Introduction to Causal Analysis: Exploring Survey Data by Crosstabulation
ISBN 9780043120200 , 1984 , Ottar Hellevik
SI Chemical Data, 6th Edition
ISBN 9780470816387 , 2007 , 6. utgave , Gordon Hillis Aylward,m.fl.
Aylward and Findlay's SI Chemical Data, 7th Edition
ISBN 9780730302469 , 2013 , 7. utgave , Allan G. Blackman, Lawrence R. Gahan
Qualitative Interviewing: The Art of Hearing Data
ISBN 9781412978378 , 2011 , Herbert J. Rubin, Irene S. Rubin
Data Analysis Using Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 97 & 98
ISBN 9780534359683 , 1999 , Michael Middleton