Søk: 'Anglo-Saxon England'
Behind Inverted Commas: Translations and Anglo-German Cultural Relations in the Nineteenth Century
ISBN 9781853593758 , 1999
Carleton's Traits and Stories and the Nineteenth Century Anglo-Irish Tradition
ISBN 9780861401185 , 1983 , Barbara Hayley
Classical Culture and the Idea of Rome in Eighteenth-century England
ISBN 9780521105798 , 2009
Church Music and Protestantism in Post-Reformation England: Discourses, Sites and Identities
ISBN 9781409400714 , 2010
Carleton's "Traits and Stories" and the 19th Century Anglo-Irish Tradition
ISBN 9780389203087 , 1983 , Barbara Hayley
Church and Society in the Medieval North of England
ISBN 9781852851200 , 1996
Education (Partnership Grant) Regulations 1998: Education, England and Wales
ISBN 9780110790503 , 1998 , Great Britain
Kingship, Rebellion and Political Culture: England and Germany, c.1215 - c.1250
ISBN 9780230302365 , 2011 , Bjorn Weiler
'Behind inverted commas': translation and Anglo-German cultural relations in the nineteenth century
ISBN 9781853593765 , 1999
The Darkened Room: Women, Power, and Spiritualism in Late Victorian England
ISBN 9780226642055 , 2004 , Alex Owen
Richard Nixon, Great Britain and the Anglo-American Alignment in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Peninsula: Making Allies Out of Clients
ISBN 9781845194666 , 2011 , Tore T. Petersen
ISBN 9781860130496 , 1982 , Patrick Collinson
Ascendancy and Tradition in Anglo-Irish Literary History from 1789 to 1939
ISBN 9780198128069 , 1985 , W. J. McCormack
Conceptualizing Cruelty to Children in Nineteenth-Century England: Literature, Representation, and the Nspcc
ISBN 9780754664567 , 2009 , Monica Flegel
Grunde Der Gefangenschaft Richards I. Von England Nebst Anmerkungen Zu Einigen Englischen Quellensch
ISBN 9781110979554 , 2009 , Aemil Reinhold Kindt
The Curd Cheese (Restriction on Placing on the Market) (England) Regulations 2006
ISBN 9780110751931 , 2006 , Great Britain
A Bio-bibliography of Eighteenth-century Religious Women in England and Spain
ISBN 9780773460836 , 2005 , Maria Jose Alvarez Faedo
Music in Rural New England Family and Community Life,1870-1940
ISBN 9781584654155 , 2004 , Jennifer C. Post
The Family: Sex and Marriage in England 1500-1800
ISBN 9780140137217 , 1990 , Professor Lawrence Stone
A Collection of Articles, Injunctions, Canons, Orders, Ordinances, and Constitutions Ecclesiastical: With Other Publick Records of the Church of England, Chiefly in the Times of K. Edward VI., Q. Elizabeth, K. James, & K. Charles I.
ISBN 9781142335656 , 2010 , Church of England
A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland
ISBN 9781142972776 , 2010
Agnes Bowker's Cat: Travesties and Transgressions in Tudor and Stuart England
ISBN 9780192825308 , 2001 , David Cressy
The Making of the Modern Self: Identity and Culture in the Eighteenth-century England
ISBN 9780300121391 , 2007 , Dror Wahrman
Dido's Daughters: Literacy, Gender, and Empire in Early Modern England and France
ISBN 9780226243122 , 2003 , Margaret W. Ferguson
Dido's Daughters: Literacy, Gender, and Empire in Early Modern England and France
ISBN 9780226243115 , 2003 , Margaret W. Ferguson
Ecclesia Restaurata; Or, the History of the Reformation of the Church of England
ISBN 9781115728447 , 2009 , Peter Heylyn, Ecclesiastical History Society
Bank of England May 2007 Inflation Report: Oral and Written Evidence, Thursday 28 June 2007, Witnesses: Mr Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England; Ms Rachael Lomax, Deputy Governor of the Bank of England; Mr Paul Tucker, Executive Director for Ma...
ISBN 9780215036117 , 2007 , m.fl.
Classical Culture and the Idea of Rome in Eighteenth-Century England
ISBN 9780521584906 , 1997
A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England; With Lists of Their Works
ISBN 9780217148238 , 2012
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Reproduction and Neonatology
ISBN 9781905319190 , 2010 , Gary England, Angelika Von Heimendahl