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An Introduction to Invertebrate Conservation Biology
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Gravel Bed Rivers 6: From Process Understanding to River Restoration
ISBN 9780444528612 , 2007 , Helmut Habersack, Herve Piegay, Massimo Rinaldi
Biodiversity Dynamics and Conservation: The Freshwater Fish of Tropical Africa
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The Weak Body of a Useless Woman: Matsuo Taseko and the Meiji Restoration
ISBN 9780226872353 , 1998 , Anne Walthall, Catharine R. Stimpson
Introduction to Architectural Science: The Basis of Sustainable Design
ISBN 9780750658492 , 2004 , Steven Szokolay
The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Middle Ages Through the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century v1
ISBN 9780393925319 , 2006 , Stephen Greenblatt
American environmentalism: readings in conservation history
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Cry Freedom: Powerful Restoration Through the Touch of the Holy Spirit
ISBN 9781905991174 , 2008 , Mary Pytches
Beyond Fences: Seeking Social Sustainability in Conservation
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Power from on High: The Spirit in Israel's Restoration and Witness in Luke-Acts
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A Constructed View: The Architectural Photography of Julius Shulman
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A System for Selection of Building Elements in Architectural Design: Architecture
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Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern, 19 September 1979)
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Development and Local Knowledge: New Approaches to Issues in Natural Resources Management, Conservation and Agriculture
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Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage Cultural Heritage
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Biodiversity Conservation and Local People's Development Aspirations: New Priorities for the 1990s
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Marine Conservation Biology: The Science of Maintaining the Sea's Biodiversity
ISBN 9781559636629 , 2005 , Elliott A. Norse, Michael E. Soule
Marine Conservation Biology: The Science of Maintaining the Sea's Biodiversity
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Choosing a Conservation Vocation Or a Bureaucratic Career: Your Personal Choices and the Environmental Consequences
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The Norton Anthology of English Literature Major Authors Edition: The Middle Ages Through the Restoration And the Eighteenth Century
ISBN 9780393928303 , 2006 , Stephen Greenblatt
Learning from Las Vegas: The Forgotten Symbolism of Architectural Form
ISBN 9780262720069 , 1977 , Robert Venturi, Steven Izenour
Beyond Fences: Seeking Social Sustainability in Conservation : A Resource Book
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Eighteenth-Century scenic and architectural design: drawings by the Galli Bibiena family from collections in Portugal
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Conservation Is Our Government Now: The Politics of Ecology in Papua New Guinea
ISBN 9780822337492 , 2006 , Paige West
A Bibliography of Salon Criticism in Paris from the Ancien Regime to the Restoration, 1699-1827:
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High Crompton and Shaw from Seven Acre Field, Near Tandlehill Wood: Restoration of Paintings and Local History - An Important Local History View Restored
ISBN 9780902809529 , 1999 , Elsie Ballard, Louise Karlsen, Frances Stott
Bureaucratic Reform in Provincial China: Ting Jih-Ch´ang in Restoration Kiangsu, 1867-1870
ISBN 9780674086173 , 1983 , Jonathan K. Ocko
A Dictionary of the Architecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages: Including Words Used by Ancient and Modern Authors in Treating of Architectural and Other Antiquities ... Also, Biographical Notices of Ancient Architects
ISBN 9781143109942 , 2010 , John Britton, George Godwin, John Le Keux
A Dictionary of the Architecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages: Including Words Used by Ancient and Modern Authors in Treating of Architectural and Other Antiquities ... Also, Biographical Notices of Ancient Architects
ISBN 9781144231024 , 2010 , John Britton, George Godwin