Søk: 'Becoming Muslim'
Knowing our rights: women, family, laws and customs in the Muslim world
ISBN 9780954494346 , 2006 , Women Living Under Muslim Laws (Organization),m.fl.
Muslim Family Law in Sub-Saharan Africa: Colonial Legacies and Post-colonial Challenges
ISBN 9789089641724 , 2009 , Shamil Jeppie, Ebrahim Moosa, Richard Roberts
Aisha My Sister: Christian Encounters with Muslim Women in Britain
ISBN 9781900507448 , 1997 , Sally J Sutcliffe
Family practices in South Asian Muslim families: parenting in a multi-faith Britain
ISBN 9780230549272 , 2008 , Harriet Becher
Journeys to the Other Shore: Muslim and Western Travelers in Search of Knowledge
ISBN 9780691138404 , 2008 , Roxanne L. Euben
Daughters of Tunis: Women, Family, and Networks in a Muslim City
ISBN 9780813339443 , 2002 , Paula Holmes-Eber
Becoming a Reader: The Experience of Fiction from Childhood to Adulthood
ISBN 9780521383646 , 1991
Elementary Education and Motivation in Islam: Perspectives of Medieval Muslim Scholars, 750-1400 CE
ISBN 9781604977103 , 2010 , Eeqbal Hassim
Bahishti Zewar: A Heavenly Ornament to Be Worn by Muslim Women
ISBN 9788172311728 , 2001 , Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi
Beyond Hindu and Muslim: Multiple Identity in Narratives from Village India
ISBN 9780195135145 , 2000
Munch Becoming "Munch": Artistic Strategies, 1880-1892 : Munch Museet, 10 October 2008-11January 2009
ISBN 9788290128611 , 2008 , Edvard Munch, Karen Lerheim, Inger Eri,m.fl.
The 4-hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman
ISBN 9780307463630 , 2010 , Timothy Ferriss
Becoming Fully Human: Living the Bible with God, Each Other and the Environment
ISBN 9782895073741 , 2003
Burning the Veil: The Algerian War and the 'Emancipation' of Muslim Women, 1954-62
ISBN 9780719074738 , 2009 , Neil Macmaster
Becoming Mexican American: Ethnicity, Culture, and Identity in Chicano Los Angeles, 1900-1945
ISBN 9780195096484 , 1995 , George J. Sanchez
At være europæisk muslim: islamisike kilder i en europæisk sammenhæng
ISBN 9788777396960 , 2004 , Tariq Ramadan
The Global Muslim Community at a Crossroads: Understanding Religious Beliefs, Practices, and Infighting to End the Conflict
ISBN 9780313396977 , 2012 , Abdul Basit
Price of Honor: Muslim Women Lift the Veil of Silence on the Islamic World
ISBN 9780452283770 , 2002 , Jan Goodwin
Benchmarking Manufacturing Processes: Your Practical Guide for Becoming Best in Class: First Edition
ISBN 9780872634473 , 1994 , 1. utgave
The Architecture of Memory: A Jewish-Muslim Household in Colonial Algeria, 1937-1962
ISBN 9780521568920 , 1996 , Joelle Bahloul
Becoming Computer Literate: A New Users Guide to Buying and Starting an IBM Computer
ISBN 9781560722748 , 1997
An Ethics of Becoming: Configurations of Feminine Subjectivity in Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, and George Eliot
ISBN 9780415975377 , 2005 , Sonjeong Cho
Becoming an Employer of Choice: Make Your Organisation a Place Where People Want to Do Great Work
ISBN 9781843980575 , 2004
Bargaining for Reality: The Construction of Social Relations in a Muslim Community
ISBN 9780226726090 , 1985 , Lawrence Rosen
Knowing by Oneself, Knowing with the Other: Al-?amir, Human Conscience and Christian-Muslim Relations
ISBN 9788249700783 , 2002 , Oddbjørn Leirvik
Behind the Veils of Yemen: How an American Woman Risked Her Life, Family, and Faith to Bring Jesus to Muslim Women
ISBN 9780800795184 , 2011
Jewish Poet in Muslim Egypt: Moses Dar´i's Hebrew Collection : Critical Edition with Introduction and Commentary
ISBN 9789004119314 , 2000 , Moses ben Abraham Dar??, Leon J. Weinberger
Medicine in a Multicultural Society: Christian, Jewish and Muslim Practitioners in the Spanish Kingdoms, 1220-1610
ISBN 9780860788454 , 2001
The Society of the Muslim Brothers in Egypt: The Rise Of an Islamic Mass Movement 1928-1942
ISBN 9780863723148 , 1999 , Lia Brynjar
Sophistry -- A Romantic Comedy: True Stories of Preachers' and Christian and Muslim Presidents' Wives, Teachers, Lawyers, Medical Doctors, and Student
ISBN 9780759686885 , 2002 , PH. D. Virginia L. Oates Henderson