Søk: 'Britain's war in the Middle East: strategy and diplomacy, 1936-1942'
A political economy of the Middle East
ISBN 9780813324111 , 1996 , Alan Richards, John Waterbury
A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9781860642753 , 1998 , Roger Owen, Sevket Pamuk
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Middle East Conflict
ISBN 9781592574100 , 2005 , Mitchell Geoffrey Bard
A Companion to the History of the Middle East
ISBN 9781405106818 , 2005 , Youssef M. Choueiri
American Orientalism: The United States and the Middle East Since 1945
ISBN 9781860648892 , 2002 , Douglas Little
Horror in the east
ISBN 9781849901673 , 2011 , Laurence Rees
Mass mediations: New approaches to popular culture in the Middle East and beyond
ISBN 9780520219267 , 2000
National Geographic Atlas of the Middle East, Second Edition
ISBN 9781426202216 , 2008 , 2. utgave , National Geographic
The Death of the Big Men and the Rise of the Big Shots: Custom and Conflict in East New Britain
ISBN 9780857458728 , 2013 , Keir Martin
A Time of Silence: Civil War And the Culture of Repression in Franco's Spain, 1936-1945
ISBN 9780521025065 , 2006 , Antoine Prost, Jay Winter, Paul Kennedy,m.fl.
Middle East Dilemma: The Politics and Economics of Arab Integration
ISBN 9780231111393 , 1999 , Michael C. Hudson
Corporate Diplomacy: The Strategy for a Volatile, Fragmented Business Environment
ISBN 9780470858004 , 2003 , Ulrich Steger
Middle East : Egypt to Turkey Overland
ISBN 9781405000758 , 2003 , Joey Shabot, Dave Newman, Elizabeth Ogburn,m.fl.
Britain and the Origins of the First World War: Second Edition
ISBN 9780333734674 , 2003 , 2. utgave , Zara S. Steiner, Keith Neilson
Corporate diplomacy: the strategy for a volatile, fragmented business environment
ISBN 9780470848906 , 2002 , Ulrich Steger
A Time of Silence: Civil War and the Culture of Repression in Franco's Spain, 1936-1945
ISBN 9780521594011 , 1998 , Antoine Prost, Jay Winter, Paul Kennedy,m.fl.
Strategy in the Contemporary World
ISBN 9780199694785 , 2012 , Colin S. Gray
The Rough Guide to World Music: Africa & Middle East
ISBN 9781843535515 , 2006 , Mark Ellingham, Simon Broughton, Jon Lusk
State, Power & Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East, 2nd Editio
ISBN 9780415196741 , 2000 , Roger Owen
Rethinking Middle East Politics: State Formation and Development
ISBN 9780745609089 , 1993 , Simon Bromley
Art And Crafts In The Middle Ages
ISBN 9781406752816 , 2007 , Julia De Wolf Addison
Citizenship and Immigration in Post-War Britain: The Institutional Origins of a Multicultural Nation
ISBN 9780199240548 , 2000 , Randell S. Hansen
From Patriarchy to Empowerment: Women's Participation, Movements, and Rights in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia
ISBN 9780815631118 , 2007 , Valentine M. Moghadam
Beware of Small States: Lebanon, Battleground of the Middle East
ISBN 9780571237425 , 2011
Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages
ISBN 9780300093049 , 2002 , Umberto Eco, Hugh Bredin
From the Brink of the Apocalypse: Confronting Famine, War, Plague, and Death in the Later Middle Ages
ISBN 9780415777964 , 2009 , John Aberth
From the Brink of the Apocalypse: Confronting Famine, War, Plague, and Death in the Later Middle Ages
ISBN 9780415777971 , 2009 , John Aberth
Jordan in the Middle East 1948-1988: The Making of a Pivotal State
ISBN 9780714634548 , 1994 , Ilan Pappé, Joseph Nevo
Sowing the Wind: The Manipulation of the Middle East, 1900-1960
ISBN 9780719555831 , 2003 , John Keay
The Stakes: America and the Middle East : the Consequences of Power and the Choice for Peace
ISBN 9780813340784 , 2003 , Shibley Telhami