Søk: 'Challenges to representative democracy: parties, voters and public opinion'
Democracy and Social Ethics
ISBN 9780252070235 , 2001 , Jane Addams, Charlene Haddock Seigfried
Democracy, Accountability, and Representation
ISBN 9780521646161 , 1999 , Adam Przeworski, Bernard Manin
Ethnicity and Democracy in Africa
ISBN 9780852558607 , 2004 , Bruce Berman, Will Kymlicka, Dickson Eyoh
Democracy, governance, and growth
ISBN 9780472098231 , 2003 , Stephen F. Knack,m.fl.
Civil Society and the State in Left-led Latin America: Challenges and Limitations to Democratization
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Community psychology: challenges, controversies and emerging consensus
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Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe
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Oil and Democracy in Iraq
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Plurinational Democracy
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America and the Challenges of Religious Diversity
ISBN 9781400837243 , 2011
Civic Wars: Democracy and Public Life in the American City During the Nineteenth Century
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Challenges to Chinese foreign policy: diplomacy, globalization, and the next world power
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Challenges to Chinese foreign policy: diplomacy, globalization, and the next world power
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Wtp - Little Block Book - Parties
ISBN 9788205280168 , 2001 , Anna Ludlow, Egmont Books, Limited
Public Relations
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New Parties, New Media: Italy and the Internet
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Democracy and Its Critics
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International and comparative labour law: current challenges
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Citizenship, Community and Democracy
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Designing Public Policies: Principles and Instruments
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Rethinking Democracy and the European Union
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Intermediate Public Economics
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Introduction to Latin America: Twenty-First Century Challenges
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Public Finance: Global Edition
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Challenges of Transition
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Public Communication Campaigns
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Public Finance
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