Søk: 'China Rising: Peace, Power, and Order in East Asia'
Stability and Change in the Modern Middle East
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Peace and reconciliation: in search of shared identity
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Islam and Muslim History in South Asia
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Public Opinion and Political Change in China
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Set This House in Order
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Engaging China: The Management of an Emerging Power
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Religion in China Today
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Governing and Managing Knowledge in Asia: 2nd Edition
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Governing and Managing Knowledge in Asia (2nd Edition)
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Classes, Estates and Order in Early-modern Brittany
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Asia and India
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The Economics of Middle East Peace: Views from the Region
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Peace by Peaceful Means: Peace and Conflict, Development and Civilization
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Marketing Competences and Strategic Flexibility in China
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Islam After Communism: Religion and Politics in Central Asia
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Stability and Change in the Modern Middle East
ISBN 9781848855854 , 2011 , Kjetil Selvik, Stig Stenslie
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Faith in Heritage: Displacement, Development, and Religious Tourism in Contemporary China
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Governmentality: Power and Rule in Modern Society
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Red Storm Rising
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Advertising in Asia: communication, culture, and consumption
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