Søk: 'Communication Between Cultures'
Persuasive communication
ISBN 9780898623086 , 1994 , James Brian Stiff
A Culture for Democracy: Mass Communication and the Cultivated Mind in Britain Between the Wars
ISBN 9780198201373 , 1988 , D.L.Le Mahieu
Communication Protocol Engineering
ISBN 9780849398148 , 2006
Business Communication Handbook
ISBN 9781442502666 , 2008
Corporate Reputation: Brand and Communication
ISBN 9780273727590 , 2012 , Chris Fill, Stuart Roper
Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East
ISBN 9780136564898 , 2009 , Daniel G. Bates, Amal Rassam
Phonology for Communication Disorders
ISBN 9780805857627 , 2009 , Martin J. Ball
Organizational communication
ISBN 9780697129215 , 1993 , Gerald M. Goldhaber
Fundamentals of Organizational Communication: International Edition
ISBN 9780205082797 , 2011 , Pamela S. Shockley-Zalabak
Theories of Human Communication
ISBN 9780495101185 , 2008 , Stephen W. Littlejohn, Karen A. Foss
Cultures and Globalization: Conflicts and Tensions
ISBN 9781412934725 , 2007 , Yudhishthir Raj Isar
Cultures and Globalization: Conflicts and Tensions
ISBN 9781412934718 , 2007 , Yudhishthir Raj Isar
Modern Electronic Communication
ISBN 9780136154297 , 2007 , Jeffrey S. Beasley, Gary M. Miller
Origins of Human Communication
ISBN 9780262515207 , 2010 , Michael Tomasello
Intercultural Communication and Ideology
ISBN 9781847873873 , 2010 , Adrian Holliday
Brand relations management: bridging the gap between between brand promise and brand delivery
ISBN 9789147064038 , 2004 , Tony Apéria, Rolf Black
The political communication: reader
ISBN 9780415359368 , 2006 , James Stanyer, Ralph Negrine
Principles of Mobile Communication
ISBN 9781461403630 , 2011 , Gordon L. Stuber
Advertising as Communication
ISBN 9780203158340 , 2003 , Gillian Dyer
Intercultural Communication: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9780748632848 , 2011
Business Communication Today
ISBN 9780131968738 , 2005 , Courtland L. Bovee, John V. Thill, Marilyn Shank
Strategic Management Communication for Leaders
ISBN 9781133933755 , 2013
Play between worlds: exploring online game culture
ISBN 9780262201636 , 2006 , T. L. Taylor
International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures
ISBN 9780136060192 , 2008 , Helen Deresky
Europe Between the Oceans: 9000 Bc-Ad 1000
ISBN 9780300170863 , 2011 , Barry Cunliffe
Modern Graphics Communication
ISBN 9780131415164 , 2003 , Ivan Leroy Hill, Shawna D. Lockhart,m.fl.
Crossing Cultures in the Language Classroom
ISBN 9780472089369 , 2004 , Andrea DeCapua, Ann C. Wintergerst
East Asia: between regionalism and globalism
ISBN 9789812303974 , 2006 , Institute of Southeast Asian Studies,m.fl.
Communication Systems Engineering
ISBN 9780130617934 , 2002
Changing Cultures in Early Byzantium
ISBN 9780860785873 , 1996 , Averil Cameron