Søk: 'Contemporary Strategy Analysis and Cases: Text and Cases'
Marketing Communications in Tourism and Hospitality: Concepts, Strategies and Cases
ISBN 9780750682770 , 2008
Management Accounting: A Cases Approach
ISBN 9780273757054 , 2012 , Jan Bergstrand
Cases in Business Policy
ISBN 9788187495086 , 2002 , Ganapati Ramakrishnan
Contemporary Security and Strategy: Second Edition
ISBN 9780230520967 , 2008 , 2. utgave , Craig A. Snyder
Strategic Issues in International Retailing: Concepts and Cases
ISBN 9780415343718 , 2006 , John A. Dawson, Roy Larke, Masao Mukoyama
Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management
ISBN 9780415396882 , 2006 , Mark E. Mendenhall, Gary R. Oddou,m.fl.
Foreign Policy: Theories, Actors, Cases
ISBN 9780199596232 , 2012 , Steve Smith, Timothy Dunne
Exploring Strategy Text Only Plus MyStrategyLab and the Strategy Experience Simulation
ISBN 9780273737001 , 2010 , Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Richard Whittington
Exploring Strategy Text Only
ISBN 9781292007014 , 2014 , Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Duncan Angwin,m.fl.
Cases in Marketing Management
ISBN 9780273616948 , 1995 , Ross Brennan
Business Ethics: Readings and Cases in Corporate Morality
ISBN 9780071120708 , 2001 , Robert E. Frederick, Mark Schwartz,m.fl.
Operations Management: Strategy and Analysis
ISBN 9780201400168 , 1996 , Lee J. Krajewski, Larry P. Ritzman
Foreign Policy: Theories, Actors, Cases
ISBN 9780199215294 , 2008 , Steve Smith, Amelia Hadfield, Timothy Dunne
Global Cases in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
ISBN 9781861523952 , 1996 , David L. Taylor
Concepts and Cases in Nursing Ethics, second edition
ISBN 9781551110820 , 1996 , 2. utgave , Michael Yeo, Anne Moorhouse
Auditing and Accounting Cases: Investigating Issues of Fraud and Professional Ethics
ISBN 9780078110818 , 2010 , Jay C. Thibodeau, Deborah Freier
Tourism Planning: Basecs, Concepts, Cases
ISBN 9780415932691 , 2002
The Global Workplace: International and Comparative Employment Law - Cases and Materials
ISBN 9780521847858 , 2007 , Roger Blanplain, Susan Bisom-Rapp,m.fl.
Cases in Call Center Management
ISBN 9788179924426 , 2006 , Richard Feinberg, Lynne Bennington, Ko de Ruyter
Models, Numbers, and Cases: Methods for Studying International Relations
ISBN 9780472068616 , 2004 , Detlef F. Sprinz, Yael Wolinsky-Nahmias
Studying Religion: An Introduction Through Cases
ISBN 9780073386591 , 2007 , Gary E. Kessler
Corporate Social Responsibility: Readings and Cases in a Global Context
ISBN 9780415424295 , 2007 , Dirk Matten, Andrew Crane, Laura Spence
Contemporary Electric Circuits: Insights And Analysis
ISBN 9780131115286 , 2005 , John Gassert, Richard J. Lokken,m.fl.
Strategic Management Cases, Fifth Edition
ISBN 9780618071470 , 2001 , 5. utgave , Gareth R. Jones, Charles W. L. Hill
The Dynamics of Interviewing: Theory, Technique, and Cases
ISBN 9780471454427 , 1969 , Robert L. Kahn, C.F. Cannell
Auditing Cases: An Interactive Learning Approach
ISBN 9780136084150 , 2009 , Mark S. Beasley, Steven M. Glover,m.fl.
Medicine at a Glance: Core Cases
ISBN 9781444335118 , 2010
Essential Microeconomics: Principles, Cases, Problems
ISBN 9780393970401 , 1998 , Edwin Mansfield
International Marketing Strategy: Analysis, Development and Implementation
ISBN 9781844807635 , 2008 , Isobel Doole, Robin Lowe
Oppgaver og cases i organisasjon
ISBN 9788245601831 , 1997 , Jon Aarum Andersen