Søk: 'Discourse and Social Change'
Defining and Defying Organized Crime: Discourse, Perceptions and Reality
ISBN 9780415548526 , 2010 , Felia Allum, Francesca Longo, Panos A. Kostakos,m.fl.
Defining and Defying Organised Crime: Discourse, Perceptions and Reality
ISBN 9780203860342 , 2010 , Felia Allum, Francesca Longo, Panos A. Kostakos,m.fl.
Gender, Christianity and change in Vanuatu: an analysis of social movements in North Ambrym
ISBN 9780754672098 , 2007
Ise Organization Development and Change
ISBN 9780324580532 , 2008 , Thomas G. Cummings
Organizational Theory, Design, and Change
ISBN 9780132729949 , 2012 , Gareth R. Jones
Worlds of Discourse
ISBN 9780826454461 , 2004 , Vijay Kumar Bhatia
Bergin and Garfield's Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change
ISBN 9781118038208 , 2013
Organizational Change: Creating Change Through Strategic Communication
ISBN 9781405191890 , 2011
Organization development and change
ISBN 9780324019872 , 2001 , Thomas G. Cummings, Christopher G. Worley
Climate Change and Liberal Priorities
ISBN 9780415453400 , 2010
Discourse and Education: Encyclopedia of Language and EducationVolume 3
ISBN 9789048194575 , 2010 , Marilyn Martin-Jones, Anne-Marie De Mejia,m.fl.
Managing Change
ISBN 9780273711742 , 2009 , Bernard Burnes
Social Work Theories and Methods
ISBN 9781446208601 , 2012
European Social Policy and Social Work
ISBN 9780415545235 , 2009 , Hans van Ewijk
International Communication: Continuity and Change
ISBN 9780340888926 , 2006 , Daya Kishan Thussu
Discourse analysis: an introduction
ISBN 9780748620456 , 2004 , Alexandra Georgakopoulou, Dionysis Goutsos
Methods for Critical Discourse Analysis
ISBN 9781847874559 , 2009 , Michael Meyer, Ruth Wodak
Environmental Change and Globalization: Double Exposures
ISBN 9780195177329 , 2008 , m.fl.
Discourse: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9780521828178 , 2005 , Jan Blommaert
Discourse: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9780521535311 , 2005 , Rajend Mesthrie, Jan Blommaert
Hydrology and Global Environmental Change
ISBN 9780582369849 , 2002 , Nigel W. Arnell
Contemporary Social and Sociological Theory: Visualizing Social Worlds
ISBN 9781412992770 , 2013
Chinese Society: Change, Conflict and Resistance
ISBN 9780415560740 , 2010 , Elizabeth J. Perry,m.fl.
Developing Change Leaders: The Principles and Practices of Change Leadership Development
ISBN 9780750683777 , 2008 , Paul Aitken, Malcolm Higgs
Promises Not Kept: The Betrayal of Social Change in the Third World
ISBN 9781565491199
Environmental change and globalization: double exposures
ISBN 9780195177312 , 2008
In Gold We Trust: Social Capital and Economic Change in the Italian Jewelry Towns
ISBN 9780691127293 , 2007 , Loren D. Lybarger, Dario Gaggio
Organizational Change: Perspectives on Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780199573783 , 2012 , Piers Myers, Liz Wiggins
Climate change adaptation and development : transforming paradigms and practices
ISBN 9781138025981 , 2014
ISBN 9783838350660 , 2010 , SULTAN ZEYDAN