Søk: 'Dynasty Years'
One Hundred Years of Socialism: The West European Left in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9781780767611 , 2013 , Donald Sassoon
Gilbert and Gubar's the Madwoman in the Attic After Thirty Years
ISBN 9780826219275 , 2011 , Sandra M. Gilbert
Buick, 1946-1978: The Classic Postwar Years
ISBN 9780879387273 , 1993 , Jim Dunne, Jan P. Norbye
Four Years' Work in Number: An Inductive Arithmetic for Children
ISBN 9781143012112 , 2010 , Mary Ann Bacon
Developing Language and Literacy: Effective Intervention in the Early Years
ISBN 9780470711859 , 2010 , Julia M. Carroll, Claudine Bowyer-Crane,m.fl.
Europe's third world: the European periphery in the interwar years
ISBN 9780754605997 , 2006 , Derek Howard Aldcroft
The Complete Crumb: The early years of bitter struggle
ISBN 9780930193423 , 2001
A Biography of the Tripitaka Master of the Great Ci'en Monastery of the Great Tang Dynasty
ISBN 9781886439009 , 2006 , Li Rongxi, Huili, Jung-hsi Li, Yancong
Child Development 0-8: A Journey Through the Early Years
ISBN 9780335220984 , 2008 , Maria Robinson
Jewish history, Jewish religion: the weight of three thousand years
ISBN 9780745328409 , 2008 , Gore Vidal, Edward W. Said, Ilan Pappé,m.fl.
Norway's Silver Heritage: 1000 Years of Norwegian Silver
ISBN 9788246700250 , 1997 , Jorunn Fossberg, Widar Halén
Iceland's 1100 Years: The History of a Marginal Society
ISBN 9781850654209 , 2001 , Gunnar Karlsson
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Misspecified Models: Twenty Years Later
ISBN 9780762310753 , 2003 , Thomas B. Fomby, R. Carter Hill
The Hundred Years War, Volume 2: Trial by Fire
ISBN 9780812218015 , 2001 , Jonathan Sumption
How to End Poverty in the World in Just 15 Years
ISBN 9781438907079 , 2008 , Jean Pierre Twagirayezu
911 X 911: The Official Anniversary Book Celebrating 50 Years of the Porsche 911
ISBN 9781935007234 , 2014 , Dieter Landenberger
The Greatest Inventions of the Past Two-thousand Years
ISBN 9780297645757 , 2000 , John Brockman
Chrysler & Imperial, 1946-1975: The Classic Postwar Years
ISBN 9780879387280 , 1993 , Richard M. Langworth
Seeds of Hope: Twelve Years of Early Intervention in Africa
ISBN 9788274770751 , 2001 , Pnina S. Klein
Norwegian spring-spawning herring & Northeast Arctic cod: 100 years of research and management
ISBN 9788251923675 , 2008 , Odd Nakken, Institute of marine research,m.fl.
At the center of the storm: my years at the CIA
ISBN 9780061147784 , 2006 , George Tenet, Bill Harlow
Bridges to Peace: Ten Years of Conflict Management in Bosnia
ISBN 9780393103625 , 2005
Communication Counts: Speech and Language Difficulties in the Early Years
ISBN 9781853467974 , 2002
The Silk Road: 2,000 Years in the Heart of Asia
ISBN 9780712348591 , 2004 , Frances Wood
The Association of Clinical Biochemists: the first forty years
ISBN 9780902429352 , 1996 , Peter M.G. Broughton, John G. Lines, Roy Sherwood
History of Central Africa: The contemporary years since 1960. 3
ISBN 9780582276079 , 2003 , David Birmingham, Phyllis M. Martin
1000 Years of English Literature: A Treasury of Literary Manuscripts
ISBN 9780712348140 , 2003 , Chris Fletcher, Roger Evans, Sally Brown
Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years
ISBN 9780385312523 , 1997 , Sarah Louise Delany, Annie Elizabeth Delany,m.fl.
Tori Amos: all these years : the authorized illustrated biography
ISBN 9780825614484 , 1994 , Kalen Rogers
Art and History of Egypt: 5000 Years of Civilization
ISBN 9788880290865 , 1994